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QueerNews版 - Poll Shows Little Support For Repealing Same-Sex Marriage in NH
New Hampshire Gay Marriage Repeal Pushed to 2012Socarides: Obama Must Support Marriage
N.H.: Hundreds Come Out for MarriageN.H. Marriage Safe for Now
N.H. Lawmakers Aim to Repeal MarriageSon of Iowa gay couple Takes a Stand for Marriage
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polls on gay marriageN.H.议会本周内将投票决定是否废除同性婚姻
疑似柜中同性恋者佛州州长反对废除DADTREPEAL REJECTED: New Hampshire Sticks With Marriage Equality
N.C. Congressman Opposes Antigay Amendment, Will Cosponsor DOMA RepealHillary Clinton Announces Her Support Of Gay Marriage
话题: same话题: marriage话题: repealing话题: sex话题: support
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发帖数: 4174
Poll Shows Little Support For Repealing Same-Sex Marriage
Voters More Likely To Support Candidate Who Opposes Repeal Of Law
DURHAM, N.H. -- A new poll shows strong support for allowing same-sex
marriage to continue in New Hampshire.
Republicans in the state Legislature are scheduled to take up the issue of
same-sex marriage when they reconvene in January. Same-sex marriage was
passed in 2009, and a poll from the University of New Hampshire Survey
Center shows strong opposition to attempts to repeal the law.
The WMUR Granite State poll shows that only 27 percent of New Hampshire
adults support repealing same-sex marriage, while 50 percent strongly oppose
repeal. The percentages are similar to a poll asking the same question in
The poll of 500 randomly selected New Hampshire adults was conducted by
phone from Sept. 26 through Oct. 2 and has a margin of sampling error of
plus or minus 4.4 percent.
"Strong opponents of repealing same-sex marriage continue to outnumber
strong proponents by more than 2 to 1," said Andrew Smith, director of the
UNH Survey Center. "The New Hampshire public is not showing any strong
desire to repeal this law."
Supporters of repealing the same-sex marriage law were asked whether they
were more or less likely to support a House or Senate candidate who opposed
repeal, and opponents were asked if they were more or less likely to support
candidates who supported repeal. The survey found that same-sex marriage
was a much more important issue for those who oppose repealing the law.
The survey showed that 44 percent of New Hampshire adults are more likely to
vote against a candidate who is in favor of repealing same-sex marriage,
while 14 percent said they were less likely to support a candidate who
opposes repealing the law.
Just 8 percent of residents said they thought legalizing same-sex marriage
had a major effect on the state, while 38 percent said they thought it had a
minor effect, compared to 47 percent who said it had no effect.
Just 9 percent of Republicans and 11 percent of conservatives said they
thought it had a major effect on the state.
Read more: http://www.wmur.com/politics/29476349/detail.html#ixzz1alr63zER
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Hillary Clinton Announces Her Support Of Gay MarriageFeinstein To Introduce DOMA Repeal Bill In Senate
有趣的民调结果:民众对废除DADT的支持度与用词有关polls on gay marriage
2010年11月中期选举时投票推翻Prop8N.C. Congressman Opposes Antigay Amendment, Will Cosponsor DOMA Repeal
New Hampshire Gay Marriage Repeal Pushed to 2012Socarides: Obama Must Support Marriage
N.H.: Hundreds Come Out for MarriageN.H. Marriage Safe for Now
N.H. Lawmakers Aim to Repeal MarriageSon of Iowa gay couple Takes a Stand for Marriage
话题: same话题: marriage话题: repealing话题: sex话题: support