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QueerNews版 - 电影The String (2009)
新泽西三位立法委员反对同性婚姻诉讼案Scalia Praised By Fellow Justice Elena Kagan
大法官Scalia: Constitution Doesn't Protect Women, GaysJustice Kennedy Questions California Same-Sex Marriage Ban
反DOMA又一胜利NYTimes: New Virginia Attorney General Drops Defense of Gay Marriage Ban
How Will the Supreme Court Rule on Same-Sex Marriage?scalia说,法律没有禁止政府支持宗教
Scalia: Antidiscrimination Policies Erode 'Diversity of Moral Judgment'南美支持GAY MARRIAGE又一例
Some Justices Question Health Law's ConstitutionalityObama on gay marriage Thursday June 23, 2011
Breaking: Anti-gay DOMA ruled unconstitutional in CA!!!N.J. Gov Christie Warming to Marriage Equality?
U.S. Supreme Court may not hear Prop. 8 appeal史上最美女演员
话题: his话题: cardinale话题: malik话题: he话题: mother
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2153
Class, cultural and sexual differences are explored in this torridly
romantic drama co-starring an Italian superstar from the past: Claudia
Cardinale. Set in arid Tunisia, tall, quiet Malik (Antonin Stahly), a 30-
year-old Parisian architect, returns to his homeland after the death of his
father. He's greeted warmly by his over-bearing, petulant mother (Cardinale)
and is immediately confronted with her expectation that he stay and get
married. This now strange world of his youth, his mother's pressure and his
barely hidden homosexuality set off anxiety attacks in Malik, who finally
finds relief when he meets the darkly handsome handyman, Balil (Salim
Kechiouche, Full Speed, Grande école, 3 Dancing Slaves). They begin a
tentative relationship, but Islamic mores, a still class conscience society,
and the ever-presence of his mother threaten their young love. Le fil is a
forbidden love story as well as a character study of people lost in rapidly
changing cultures. Don t miss this engaging, insightful and undeniably sexy
发帖数: 2153
1 (共1页)
史上最美女演员Scalia: Antidiscrimination Policies Erode 'Diversity of Moral Judgment'
Once upon a time in the west (转载)Some Justices Question Health Law's Constitutionality
Once upon a time in the west (转载)Breaking: Anti-gay DOMA ruled unconstitutional in CA!!!
八一八最近看的几部好片 (转载)U.S. Supreme Court may not hear Prop. 8 appeal
新泽西三位立法委员反对同性婚姻诉讼案Scalia Praised By Fellow Justice Elena Kagan
大法官Scalia: Constitution Doesn't Protect Women, GaysJustice Kennedy Questions California Same-Sex Marriage Ban
反DOMA又一胜利NYTimes: New Virginia Attorney General Drops Defense of Gay Marriage Ban
How Will the Supreme Court Rule on Same-Sex Marriage?scalia说,法律没有禁止政府支持宗教
话题: his话题: cardinale话题: malik话题: he话题: mother