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QueerNews版 - DADT一定会重新执行的!
2010年11月中期选举时投票推翻Prop8应召郎说反同活动家George Rekers是同性恋
CNN民调显示:部分民众虽然反同,但是支持废除DADTTop 10 News Stories of 2012
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极端宗教人士要把LGBT排除在综合移民改革外行动起来,给Obama发信:Don't wait, don't delay.
Gay Marriage War Heats Up in PennsylvaniaDADT Repeal: Sooner or Later?
Virginia州的反同AG要状告联邦政府民主党国会议员Levin Pledges支持废除DADT
话题: dadt话题: congress话题: repeal话题: liberty话题: staver
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4174
Posted on Advocate.com December 20, 2010
Antigay Group: DADT Will Be Back
By Neal Broverman
Mathew Staver x390 (fair) | ADVOCATE.COM
The head of the fiercely antigay group Liberty Counsel is steaming mad about
the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell" and says he will push the next
Congress to bring the ban on openly gay soldiers back to life.
The lobbying group, with offices in Florida, Virginia, and Washington, D.C.,
sent out an action alert Monday. After thanking its members for sending 6.1
million "message units" to politicians demanding that DADT stand, Liberty
chairman Mathew Staver (pictured) writes, "Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have totally disgraced their respective
offices throughout the 111th Congress, and their handling of this vital
issue is just the most recent example of their betrayal of the public trust.
"Reflecting on this battle, I can assure you there will be many more
opportunities to confront pro-homosexual activists in the legal and
legislative arenas. I feel certain these radical groups have already picked
their next target in their ongoing efforts to force their perverse will on
America. The war is far from over. Here's our message to our armed forces: '
Take heart, because the American people will not allow this travesty to
A recent poll found that eight out of 10 Americans supported the repeal of
DADT. Regardless, the Liberty Council is pledging to resuscitate the policy.
"This action will be overturned in the next Congress because it breaks the
bond of trust that must exist between the military and those who oversee the
armed forces in the Pentagon and Congress. We will ask the House to defund
the repeal of DADT. Then we will work to get fresh voices in the Senate and
move to reinstate the law.
"We promise a full mobilization of faith-based and policy organizations,
veterans, and military families in the states of every Senator who voted for
repeal of DADT against the advice of our service chiefs."
Staver also offers a warning to President Obama, who is set to sign the
repeal into law Wednesday. "President Obama himself will also pay a price,
and will see that the insatiable demands of the homosexual community will
only increase."
1 (共1页)
民主党国会议员Levin Pledges支持废除DADTPalin说:现在废除DADT没有必要
有趣的民调结果:民众对废除DADT的支持度与用词有关Gay Marriage War Heats Up in Pennsylvania
2010年11月中期选举时投票推翻Prop8应召郎说反同活动家George Rekers是同性恋
CNN民调显示:部分民众虽然反同,但是支持废除DADTTop 10 News Stories of 2012
DADT Repeal to Be Signed WednesdayN.C. Congressman Opposes Antigay Amendment, Will Cosponsor DOMA Repeal
Antigay Activist Blames Bird Death on DADT Repeal明天的焦点
话题: dadt话题: congress话题: repeal话题: liberty话题: staver