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Quant版 - 什么证书/学位找银行工作最容易(share一篇不错的统计文章)
请问下面哪些金融证件是值得花精力去考的?问问,有可能找到part time的quant volunteer位子么?
CQF的课程如何Boston Academy 2016 秋季培训CFA一级培训课程(有在线)报名
2012 Boston CFA Survey Summary[合集] 请问这里有没有考CQF的
cfa 能直接考2级3级吗,一级太贵了CQF项目怎么样,请大家评论
CFA charter holder 牛逼还是quant牛逼?为什么没有专门的Quant认证呢?
【CFA考试专】Schweser CFA 2011 All-Level 出售CQF对找工作有帮助嘛?
CFA复习资料DVDCQF 值得去考么
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发帖数: 363
ACA and C#
Statistically, these are the best qualifications for banking jobs now
by Sarah Butcher
3 days ago
Some qualifications will be far more successful than others
Some qualifications will be far more successful than others
What must you do to increase your employability if you want to work in
financial services today? Is it worth embarking on a financial services
Masters in Finance or MSc, on a Certificate in Quantitative Finance (CQF), a
Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA) designation, or maybe a
Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) qualification?
Not especially…
Our research suggests there are plenty of financial services job seekers
with these qualifications who are already out there looking for jobs. If you
want to differentiate yourself, you’ll need to acquire a qualification
that’s a bit different.
Which qualification exactly? We looked at the CVs that were uploaded
globally into the eFinancialCareers database over the past three months and
compared these to the jobs currently advertised globally on the site. The
graph below presents the results. The qualifications at the bottom of the
chart – those for which there are comparatively few CVs per job – are
those which should render you most employable.
As ever, having an ACA Chartered Accountancy Qualification looks most likely
to differentiate your CV – we have only 3.4 recently uploaded resumes with
the ACA qualification to every job specifying an ACA as a prerequisite.
Nonetheless, as we said last week, knowing how to programme in C# looks like
the best bet for getting a job in banking now. There are only three
recently uploaded C# CVs per currently advertised job. This compares to over
100 CVs per job for people with an MSc, nearly 60 with the CQF and 24 CVs
per job specifying the CFA exams.
Perversely, our data suggests that having a full CFA Charter won’t make you
any more employable than if you simply have any kind of CFA qualification.
There are comparatively few jobs specifying the full CFA Charter compared to
the number of people with the full CFA Charter mentioned on their CVs.
The poor figures for MScs show just how hard it is to differentiate yourself
as a student looking for a finance job now. Even after you’ve spent £20k
($34k+) on a Masters qualification, you’ll still be competing with over 100
other people for the available roles. Similarly, having any old MBA won’t
do you much good – there are 27 finance professionals with MBAs chasing
each MBA-requiring job. However, if you have an MBA from a top school (
defined as London Business School, INSEAD, Harvard, Wharton, Columbia or
IESE) and you’re chasing a job specifying an MBA, you’ll only have six
other competitors with an MBA of a similar calibre. Banks like to hire from
the elite.
Top qualifications
发帖数: 336
general statistics is not so valuable, for IBD analyst in IB, top college US
degree (major is not important), for equity research in IB, top US MBA, for
quant trading, then strong quant and coding skills (PhD, CS, IMO, etc)

【在 b********r 的大作中提到】
: 什么证书/学位找银行工作最容易(share一篇不错的统计文章
: ACA and C#
: http://news.efinancialcareers.com/us-en/176592/statistically-th
: Statistically, these are the best qualifications for banking jobs now
: by Sarah Butcher
: 3 days ago
: Some qualifications will be far more successful than others
: Some qualifications will be far more successful than others
: What must you do to increase your employability if you want to work in
: financial services today? Is it worth embarking on a financial services

1 (共1页)
CQF 值得去考么[转]关于CFA你应该知道的50件事
业内人士如何看待CAIA证书?CFA charter holder 牛逼还是quant牛逼?
有考CAIA和CQF的朋友吗【CFA考试专】Schweser CFA 2011 All-Level 出售
anyone taking CAIA this fall in NYC?CFA复习资料DVD
请问下面哪些金融证件是值得花精力去考的?问问,有可能找到part time的quant volunteer位子么?
CQF的课程如何Boston Academy 2016 秋季培训CFA一级培训课程(有在线)报名
2012 Boston CFA Survey Summary[合集] 请问这里有没有考CQF的
cfa 能直接考2级3级吗,一级太贵了CQF项目怎么样,请大家评论
话题: cfa话题: cvs话题: mba话题: job