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Quant版 - CFA复习资料DVD
2013 Schweser Kaplan CFA Videos Practice Exam Qbank Study note L1L2L3请问CFA 资料:6月份的Schweser notes 和 12月份的一样吗?
★2012 All CFA Files[L1L2L3]CFA study notes sharing
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CFA 2009 notebook pack for sale (Never used!)2012 CFA Schweser Study Notes Package for sale
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Schweser CFA Level 1 for sale===[分享]CFA考试相关资料整理合集===
【CFA考试专】Schweser CFA 2011 All-Level 出售★全部CFA资料整理[2011版]
话题: cfa话题: 2011话题: l1话题: l2话题: l3
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 473
Kaplan - Schweser CFA 2011 [ALL levels]
The Schweser Notes are a great source by Kaplan to study for the Chartered
Financial Analyst (CFA) Exam.The 5-volume books by Kaplan cover all the
learning outcome statements for the 2011 Level 1 and 2 CFA exam.The ultimate
CFA exam prep plan, with guidance, structure, and motivation from expert
Clear, concise, easy-to-follow study tools address every Learning Outcome
Statement required to help increase your chance of passing the CFA Exam. You
won't find a more comprehensive study program anywhere.
DVD1 内容:
2011 CFA L1 Curriculum Volume Book
2011 CFA L1 notebook
2011 CFA L1 Practice Exam V1+V2
2011 CFA L1 Printable Exams
2011 CFA L1 Quicksheet
2011 CFA L1 Lectrue Videos (1-8)
2011 CFA L1 Mock+Qbank
2011 CFA L1 Secret Sauce
CFA L1 note
DVD2 内容:
2011 CFA L1 Lecture Videos(9-16)
2011 CFA L2 Curriculum Volume Book
2011 CFA L2 notebook1-5
2011 CFA L2 Practice Exam V1+V2
2011 CFA L2 Secret Sauce
2011 CFA L2 practice-exams
2008 CFA L2 QBank
2011 CFA L3 Curriculum Volume Book
2011 CFA L3 notes
2010 CFA L3 Practice Exam V1+V2
2011 CFA L3 Quicksheet
2011 CFA L3 Secret Sauce
2011 CFA Level 3 Practice Exams
2010 CFA Level 3 Qbank
2009 CFA Level 3 Qbank
售价40美金包括邮费,有兴趣的同学可以发邮件到j*********[email protected],或者站内
发帖数: 473


【在 l*********l 的大作中提到】
: Kaplan - Schweser CFA 2011 [ALL levels]
: The Schweser Notes are a great source by Kaplan to study for the Chartered
: Financial Analyst (CFA) Exam.The 5-volume books by Kaplan cover all the
: learning outcome statements for the 2011 Level 1 and 2 CFA exam.The ultimate
: CFA exam prep plan, with guidance, structure, and motivation from expert
: instructors.
: Clear, concise, easy-to-follow study tools address every Learning Outcome
: Statement required to help increase your chance of passing the CFA Exam. You
: won't find a more comprehensive study program anywhere.
: DVD1 内容:

发帖数: 7389
发帖数: 473
1 (共1页)
★全部CFA资料整理[2011版]CFA Level 1
分享2011年CFA官方教材合集(不是schweser)CFA exam
[转]关于CFA你应该知道的50件事Schweser CFA Level 1 for sale
转让: CFA Level 1 2008 Schweser notes and exams【CFA考试专】Schweser CFA 2011 All-Level 出售
2013 Schweser Kaplan CFA Videos Practice Exam Qbank Study note L1L2L3请问CFA 资料:6月份的Schweser notes 和 12月份的一样吗?
★2012 All CFA Files[L1L2L3]CFA study notes sharing
2011 FRM part 1 schweser notes【整理】CFA相关考试资料合集分享
CFA 2009 notebook pack for sale (Never used!)2012 CFA Schweser Study Notes Package for sale
话题: cfa话题: 2011话题: l1话题: l2话题: l3