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Quant版 - TOEFL score code
为啥不把Quant的面试变成类似TOEFL/GRE之类的标准化考试[合集] how's the mf program in university of chicago?
anyone know QVT in NYC[合集] 帮朋友问:columbia和CMU的MFE 选哪个?
对一个object大量观测数据,如何找出distribution[合集] 问个概率题,牛人们过来看看
看了"一本科生所有的材料造假,混进哈佛",很有感慨[合集] 选校请教,FE of Columbia or Computational Finance of CM
bank of america的quantitative modeler面试[合集] FDM vs FEM in SDE
Electronic Trading Solutions有前途吗[合集] 一道面试题
[合集] Anybody phone interviewed with DE Shaw before?[合集] 申请金融phd,希望大家给点建议
[合集] 一道概率题[合集] 请教Columbia Univ的MS Operations Research的前途
话题: toefl话题: columbia话题: score话题: couldn话题: code
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 199
A friend still in China would like to apply for Columbia business school. He
couldn't find the code for TOEFL score report for Columbia. I searched
their site and couldn't find it either.
Any help please? Thanks a lot.
发帖数: 802
Be sure to self-report your TOEFL or PTE score when completing your
application. If admitted, you must submit an official score report via www.
toefl.org (Columbia’s ETS code is 2174, MBA department code 02). For the
PTE be sure to select "Columbia Business School" from the list of schools
provided by Pearson. The Admissions Committee will consider only your
highest score when reviewing your application.
发帖数: 199
Thanks a lot. The guy is actually considering the new program,Master in
Financial Economics...
Surprised I couldn't find a complete list on ETS site... Or I miss
something obvious?

【在 T*****w 的大作中提到】
: Be sure to self-report your TOEFL or PTE score when completing your
: application. If admitted, you must submit an official score report via www.
: toefl.org (Columbia’s ETS code is 2174, MBA department code 02). For the
: PTE be sure to select "Columbia Business School" from the list of schools
: provided by Pearson. The Admissions Committee will consider only your
: highest score when reviewing your application.
: http://www4.gsb.columbia.edu/mba/admissions/applynow/apprequire

1 (共1页)
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为啥不把Quant的面试变成类似TOEFL/GRE之类的标准化考试[合集] how's the mf program in university of chicago?
anyone know QVT in NYC[合集] 帮朋友问:columbia和CMU的MFE 选哪个?
对一个object大量观测数据,如何找出distribution[合集] 问个概率题,牛人们过来看看
看了"一本科生所有的材料造假,混进哈佛",很有感慨[合集] 选校请教,FE of Columbia or Computational Finance of CM
话题: toefl话题: columbia话题: score话题: couldn话题: code