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Quant版 - 香港Nitron Client Manager Opportunity – Investment Research
hongkong--Nitron Client Manager Opportunity ?Investment Research谁了解OpenLink的Client Support Analyst怎么面试?
(急问): investment management 里面做client service有没有前途?一般猎头多久会给你消息?
Anyone had interviews experience with Teza or Headlands?Job Openning: Macro Economist
[合集] [NYC JOB]Client-Facing Quant/Trader请教一个小offer
[合集] offer letter term question问一下citi summer associate 哪个部门的职位是 phd quant 对口的啊?
有没有了解 RiskMetrics 这个公司的?[zz]Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs - Greg Smith
代问,回国内做国际投行的sales如何?A top firm is looking for insurance strategist in New York
Morgan Stanley Capital International - Shanghai有机会去某中型fund的private client部门工作
话题: nitron话题: investment话题: research话题: manager
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3
Nitron Client Manager Opportunity – Investment Research
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Nitron Client Manager Opportunity – Investment Research
About Nitron
Nitron Circle of Experts provides institutional investors—hedge funds,
venture capitalists, private equity funds—and law firms with access to a
network of senior industry executives. Our business model is a mix of the
independent investment research industry, strategy consulting, and executive
recruiting. We connect our clients with the world’s foremos
1 (共1页)
有机会去某中型fund的private client部门工作[合集] offer letter term question
PWM资管公司的前途问题有没有了解 RiskMetrics 这个公司的?
请问投quant/algo trader是通过recruiter还是不通过比较好代问,回国内做国际投行的sales如何?
[China]Potential OpportunitiesMorgan Stanley Capital International - Shanghai
hongkong--Nitron Client Manager Opportunity ?Investment Research谁了解OpenLink的Client Support Analyst怎么面试?
(急问): investment management 里面做client service有没有前途?一般猎头多久会给你消息?
Anyone had interviews experience with Teza or Headlands?Job Openning: Macro Economist
[合集] [NYC JOB]Client-Facing Quant/Trader请教一个小offer
话题: nitron话题: investment话题: research话题: manager