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PsychoAnalysis版 - there is no depression indeed
Re: 我是不是得了严重的抑郁症?又被打击了
必须看医生吗?Re: 到美国来了对婚姻很失望
我今天上午的经历Re: 抑郁就像是片沼泽地对抗抑郁全攻略(原创,谢绝转载)
I have a question (转载)Re: Why do we feel depressed?
Am I depressed?Depression
伤心加失望My depression
觉得生活没有希望Breaking the Patterns of Depression-CH13
话题: depression话题: indeed话题: pain话题: life话题: feel
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 23
the fact is I just fucked up
I fucked up anything in my fucking life
I will keep fucking up
what the fuck is this world
I feel very sorry for anyone who helped me
but sometimes the pain is so overwhelming
发帖数: 17566

【在 c********l 的大作中提到】
: the fact is I just fucked up
: I fucked up anything in my fucking life
: and
: I will keep fucking up
: what the fuck is this world
: I feel very sorry for anyone who helped me
: but sometimes the pain is so overwhelming

发帖数: 214
under the cover of overwhelming pain, there's peace.
when you try to ran away, the tension and twist in the body and mind only
bring pain into awareness, live on this moment.
no further judgement on yourself or other people, just live on this moment.
face pain, feel pain, and accept pain.
as the tension alleviates, there's peace.

【在 c********l 的大作中提到】
: the fact is I just fucked up
: I fucked up anything in my fucking life
: and
: I will keep fucking up
: what the fuck is this world
: I feel very sorry for anyone who helped me
: but sometimes the pain is so overwhelming

发帖数: 10001
are you feeling guilty that other people helped you again and again,
yet everytime you just fall down right away?

【在 c********l 的大作中提到】
: the fact is I just fucked up
: I fucked up anything in my fucking life
: and
: I will keep fucking up
: what the fuck is this world
: I feel very sorry for anyone who helped me
: but sometimes the pain is so overwhelming

发帖数: 20567
发帖数: 23
I feel sorry for them because all of their efforts are in vain if I end my

【在 c**r 的大作中提到】
: are you feeling guilty that other people helped you again and again,
: yet everytime you just fall down right away?

发帖数: 10001
are you planning to end your life then?

【在 c********l 的大作中提到】
: I feel sorry for them because all of their efforts are in vain if I end my
: life.

发帖数: 23
how can I be so arrogant? there is no way I will threaten to end my own life
. I just can't deal with the severe consequences of the manner I sabotaged
my life. I tried to visit psychologists, but I was too ashamed to talk about
everything with them. I have a very disturbing fantasy which keeps haunting
me and makes me miserable. The fantasy is so real to me as there are
numerous circumstantial evidence showing it is really happened, which makes
me quite confused. I really couldn't trust everyon

【在 c**r 的大作中提到】
: are you planning to end your life then?
发帖数: 1074
lower your expectations and start with the simple little things.

【在 c********l 的大作中提到】
: the fact is I just fucked up
: I fucked up anything in my fucking life
: and
: I will keep fucking up
: what the fuck is this world
: I feel very sorry for anyone who helped me
: but sometimes the pain is so overwhelming

发帖数: 10001
psychologist are trained professionals. part of their training is to
keep confidentiality for you, another part is to accept you as a human
being without putting moral judgments on you. If you feel insecure in
sharing with them, you can try different approaches, maybe you can try
go to see psychologist and share other things with them, or maybe you can
try share this fantasy that troubled you little by litte, and share further
step only if you felt you trust him/her enough from your previous ste

【在 c********l 的大作中提到】
: how can I be so arrogant? there is no way I will threaten to end my own life
: . I just can't deal with the severe consequences of the manner I sabotaged
: my life. I tried to visit psychologists, but I was too ashamed to talk about
: everything with them. I have a very disturbing fantasy which keeps haunting
: me and makes me miserable. The fantasy is so real to me as there are
: numerous circumstantial evidence showing it is really happened, which makes
: me quite confused. I really couldn't trust everyon

1 (共1页)
Re:爱上陌生人Am I depressed?
appreciate your life -- 珍惜拥有 (谈谈我的体会)伤心加失望
Re: 我是不是得了严重的抑郁症?又被打击了
必须看医生吗?Re: 到美国来了对婚姻很失望
我今天上午的经历Re: 抑郁就像是片沼泽地对抗抑郁全攻略(原创,谢绝转载)
I have a question (转载)Re: Why do we feel depressed?
话题: depression话题: indeed话题: pain话题: life话题: feel