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Prose版 - Valerian Ocean Chapter Three – The gang of four (2)
Valerian Ocean Chapter Three – The gang of four (3)Valerian Ocean Chapter One – Hero - 1989 (1)
Valerian Ocean Preface (1)Valerian Ocean Chapter One – Hero - 1989 (2)
Valerian Ocean Preface (2)Valerian Ocean Chapter One – Hero - 1989 (3)
Valerian ocean 茵茵缬草 for 70'sValerian Ocean Chapter Two – Ten years - 1989 (1)
Valerian Ocean Chapter 1 (1)Valerian Ocean Chapter Two – Ten years - 1989 (2)
两极(2.1):桑切斯医生要挖掘艾美的童年Valerian Ocean Chapter Three – The gang of four (1)
Valerian Ocean - Preface (1)Valerian Ocean - Chapter Four (1)
Valerian Ocean Preface (3)Valerian Ocean - Chapter Four (2)
话题: four话题: gang话题: english话题: story话题: people
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 461
The principle looked at our name and was still confused. Teaching Wen
” Ok, now things became clear. We four have exactly the same last names as
the gang of four. The gang of four was the spirit leaders of culture
revolution. They were evils. In most of people's recollection, these four
ate people without spitting out their bones.
Teacher Wen tried to tell the Principle Tian that we have a gang of four on
campus, who may a
发帖数: 1279
you have to improve your english. and more importantly, you need to make
your stories at least sound real. I find it hard to believe your story.
发帖数: 461
I agree, yes, my english needs to be improved. That is why I am writing
things in English. Would be appreciative if you help me a little bit more...
..thanks in advance....
Most of the part of story are based on my imagination....But unfortunately,
the chapter that you replied to, is based on my true experience....I told
this story to my friends..they all found it is hard to believe..So you are
not the only one..But it happened to me and I am not the only one who
experienced the post-culture rev

【在 A******u 的大作中提到】
: you have to improve your english. and more importantly, you need to make
: your stories at least sound real. I find it hard to believe your story.

发帖数: 1279
I don't know if there is such thing as post-cultural revolution drama (what
is dramatic about what??). Even if there were, your experience would not be
an example. The story you said to be true is just too unbelievable to be
interpreted, not to mention to be classified as certain drama as a
consequence of something.
发帖数: 461
Agree with what you said. It is not so dramatic to you.
But to me, it was...


【在 A******u 的大作中提到】
: I don't know if there is such thing as post-cultural revolution drama (what
: is dramatic about what??). Even if there were, your experience would not be
: an example. The story you said to be true is just too unbelievable to be
: interpreted, not to mention to be classified as certain drama as a
: consequence of something.

发帖数: 1279
I would add some cautionary note in the story. I would tell people right
away that these stories are very atypical, unusual in China, even though
they are true of your experience. Othewise, your stories just serve to
mislead people who are not familiar with China. They will just think these
are common occurrence in China. Do we care whether they think this way? Oh
well, a responsible writer is.
发帖数: 157
You are wasting your time. What you are worried about is the whole point of her writing in English, how could she put on any cautionary words to give away her major point?
But that's ok. She is not the first one struggling with English to tell "true story", and definitely won't be the last one.

【在 A******u 的大作中提到】
: I would add some cautionary note in the story. I would tell people right
: away that these stories are very atypical, unusual in China, even though
: they are true of your experience. Othewise, your stories just serve to
: mislead people who are not familiar with China. They will just think these
: are common occurrence in China. Do we care whether they think this way? Oh
: well, a responsible writer is.

发帖数: 1279
I always like to think of people acting in bona fides, and believe that a
true gentleman is gentlemanly when he is by himself. But of course, I often
find it hard apply these idealistic principles.

of her writing in English, how could she put on any cautionary words to give
away her major point?
true story", and definitely won't be the last one.

【在 d*****i 的大作中提到】
: You are wasting your time. What you are worried about is the whole point of her writing in English, how could she put on any cautionary words to give away her major point?
: But that's ok. She is not the first one struggling with English to tell "true story", and definitely won't be the last one.

发帖数: 461
understand your concern. I didn't do a good job to beautify our country...
I never intend to...I didn't even intend to tell a true story. It is a story
based on my imagination. Just the part that you replied to is based on my
own experience...
To me, a responsible writer is the one who is open to her/his own feelings..
and share with others....
I don't care about those who are not familiar with China...I have tried to
beautify my country infront of them....later, I realize that by caring I

【在 A******u 的大作中提到】
: I always like to think of people acting in bona fides, and believe that a
: true gentleman is gentlemanly when he is by himself. But of course, I often
: find it hard apply these idealistic principles.
: of her writing in English, how could she put on any cautionary words to give
: away her major point?
: true story", and definitely won't be the last one.

发帖数: 1279
You don't need to beautify my home country, or any country for that matter.
If you don't care how people reflect on your writing, who would care anyway?


【在 e*******d 的大作中提到】
: understand your concern. I didn't do a good job to beautify our country...
: I never intend to...I didn't even intend to tell a true story. It is a story
: based on my imagination. Just the part that you replied to is based on my
: own experience...
: To me, a responsible writer is the one who is open to her/his own feelings..
: and share with others....
: I don't care about those who are not familiar with China...I have tried to
: beautify my country infront of them....later, I realize that by caring I
: empow

发帖数: 461
Yes, I do care how people reflect on my writing. I am thankful that you told
me about your feelings....
But if people think that I write in English is to please people who are not
familiar with China, I think they are wrong. I was hit by this story when I
was in a boring conference last year. I then had the urge to write it. I
challenged myself by writing it in English...That is all...I didn't intend
to please anybody...
I am sorry that this part sounded so unreal to you. Although majority of th

【在 A******u 的大作中提到】
: You don't need to beautify my home country, or any country for that matter.
: If you don't care how people reflect on your writing, who would care anyway?
: story
: ..

发帖数: 2664
诺贝尔文学奖有时候被人诟病,因为某几年偏离了设立文学奖的初衷,就是鼓励“富于理想主义”的作品。从这个高度上来说,它所授予的某几个作家是完全不合格的,比如说今年的获奖作品。说得太远了,我们只是在说普通文学爱好者的习作。:) 我也只看了你的小说一两篇,根本不该胡说八道。。。不过,自己得到乐趣比成为优秀作品更重要。:)


【在 e*******d 的大作中提到】
: understand your concern. I didn't do a good job to beautify our country...
: I never intend to...I didn't even intend to tell a true story. It is a story
: based on my imagination. Just the part that you replied to is based on my
: own experience...
: To me, a responsible writer is the one who is open to her/his own feelings..
: and share with others....
: I don't care about those who are not familiar with China...I have tried to
: beautify my country infront of them....later, I realize that by caring I
: empow

发帖数: 461
thank you...

如说今年的获奖作品。说得太远了,我们只是在说普通文学爱好者的习作。:) 我也只

【在 f******t 的大作中提到】
: 之前有看你一两篇写作。其实小说真的写什么都可以,我不喜欢看到有人攻击作者本人,多多少少有枉自揣度他人之意。不过,小说有好的,也有不好的,还有糟糕透顶的。等待戈多并不只是因为荒诞才成为伟大作品,索尔仁尼琴和帕斯捷尔纳克也不仅仅是因为描绘政治体制的黑暗面才成为伟大作家。小说作者的立意有时候比他写什么题材更重要。可能这个判断不够完善,但有政治目的的小说很少能成为“好”小说,因为作者很容易就失去了优秀作者应有的胸怀。
: 诺贝尔文学奖有时候被人诟病,因为某几年偏离了设立文学奖的初衷,就是鼓励“富于理想主义”的作品。从这个高度上来说,它所授予的某几个作家是完全不合格的,比如说今年的获奖作品。说得太远了,我们只是在说普通文学爱好者的习作。:) 我也只看了你的小说一两篇,根本不该胡说八道。。。不过,自己得到乐趣比成为优秀作品更重要。:)
: story
: ..

1 (共1页)
Valerian Ocean - Chapter Four (2)Valerian Ocean Chapter 1 (1)
Valerian Ocean - Chapter Four (3)两极(2.1):桑切斯医生要挖掘艾美的童年
Valerian Ocean - Chapter Five (1)Valerian Ocean - Preface (1)
Valerian Ocean Chapter 5 (2)Valerian Ocean Preface (3)
Valerian Ocean Chapter Three – The gang of four (3)Valerian Ocean Chapter One – Hero - 1989 (1)
Valerian Ocean Preface (1)Valerian Ocean Chapter One – Hero - 1989 (2)
Valerian Ocean Preface (2)Valerian Ocean Chapter One – Hero - 1989 (3)
Valerian ocean 茵茵缬草 for 70'sValerian Ocean Chapter Two – Ten years - 1989 (1)
话题: four话题: gang话题: english话题: story话题: people