

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Programming版 - just had an interview
warning: returning address of local variable or temporary找Python Pyramid的高手。
请问const myClass &src 和myClass const &src有什么区别?macro and std:: function name clashing
最新某公司onsite面试题 (转载)师傅们,C++概念题,弟子有礼了
question about const referenceRe: VC里面的stl支持是不是很弱?
[合集] static const代替define的performance tradeoff在哪里?size不固定的struct怎么定义呀?
function declaration请教一个关于字符指针的简单问题
关于在c++ member function里用signal( )Re: 几个C++的问题
话题: items话题: quickindex话题: value话题: foundindex话题: nitems
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1879
I was interviewing for a principle software engineer / architect
position. The manager also gave me an offline interview question.
I did not give it much thought and sent the solution back. Then
I googled the problem afterward. It was the same as this one.
The solution there was very bad. Obvious problems you can spot:
1. macros should not be defined in the header file. These macros are
strickly for the implementation, and not for the outsider to see.
2. too many comparisons inside the loop.
You could easily fail the interview using that solution.
If you look beyond just coding for interview, this is actually a
great problem, since it is a little challenging to write code very
efficiently and elegantly.
Here is my solution. There are a bit formatting issues (i.e. tab),
but you can fix it yourself.
If you think yours is better, then post yours :)
* Search a sorted int array from the beginning of the array.
* @param nItems(IN)
* # of items in items
* @param items(IN)
* a sorted integer array
* @param op
* comparison operator
* @param value(IN)
* the search value
* @param foundIndex(OUT)
* the index of the found value
#define SearchFromStart(nItems,items,op,value,foundIndex) do { \
int i; \
for (i = 0; i < (nItems) && (items)[i] op (value); ++i) \
{ \
(foundIndex) = i; \
} \
} while (0)
* Same as SearchFromStart, just from the end of the array. Same parameters.
#define SearchFromEnd(nItems,items,op,value,foundIndex) do { \
int i; \
for (i = (nItems) - 1; i >= 0 && (items)[i] op (value); --i) \
{ \
(foundIndex) = i; \
} \
} while (0)
* A macro based linear search
* @param start(IN)
* a non-zero value indicates that we should search from
* the start of the array. 0 means from the back of the array.
* @param nItems(IN)
* # of items in items
* @param items(IN)
* a sorted integer array
* @param op
* comparison operator
* @param value(IN)
* the search value
* @param foundIndex(OUT)
* the index of the found value
#define FastSearch(start,nItems,items,op,value,foundIndex) do { \
if (start) \
SearchFromStart(nItems,items,op,value,foundIndex); \
else \
SearchFromEnd(nItems,items,op,value,foundIndex); \
} while (0)
SearchResult Search(
const int * const items,
const int n_items,
const int ascending,
const int key,
const SearchType type,
int* const index)
int quickIndex = -1; /* a negative value means not found */
SearchResult result;
switch (type)
case LessThan:
FastSearch(ascending, n_items, items, <, key, quickIndex);
result = (quickIndex < 0 ? NotFound : FoundLess);
case LessThanEquals:
FastSearch (ascending, n_items, items, <=, key, quickIndex);
result = (quickIndex < 0 ? NotFound : (items[quickIndex] < key ?
FoundLess : FoundExact));
case Equals:
/* we use LessThanEquals comparison to do the search, and verify
* the result needs to be equals.
FastSearch (ascending, n_items, items, <=, key, quickIndex);
result = (quickIndex < 0 ? NotFound : (items[quickIndex] == key
? FoundExact : NotFound));
case GreaterThanEquals:
/* the search direction is reversed of ascending value */
FastSearch (!ascending, n_items, items, >=, key, quickIndex);
result = (quickIndex < 0 ? NotFound : (items[quickIndex] > key ?
FoundGreater : FoundExact));
case GreaterThan:
/* the search direction is reversed of ascending value */
FastSearch(!ascending, n_items, items, >, key, quickIndex);
result = (quickIndex < 0 ? NotFound : FoundGreater);
result = NotFound;
if (result != NotFound)
*index = quickIndex;
return result;
1 (共1页)
Re: 几个C++的问题[合集] static const代替define的performance tradeoff在哪里?
why use static function here?const_cast问题
C++ class cross reference problemfunction declaration
c++ string 一问关于在c++ member function里用signal( )
warning: returning address of local variable or temporary找Python Pyramid的高手。
请问const myClass &src 和myClass const &src有什么区别?macro and std:: function name clashing
最新某公司onsite面试题 (转载)师傅们,C++概念题,弟子有礼了
question about const referenceRe: VC里面的stl支持是不是很弱?
话题: items话题: quickindex话题: value话题: foundindex话题: nitems