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Programming版 - add column name in exporting table netezza aginity sql (转载)
check time table created in IBM SQL Aginity workbench ?pypyodbc error access netezza SQL server on win7 (转载)
copy database from one server to another in IBM netezza Agi (转载)how to write IE plug-in?
Error of SQL query on IBM netezza SQL database from Aginity (转载)How to get the next active Window?
我的DBA在生成ORACLE table的时候需要一个一个column看 (转载)revision control
error export sql table from IBM netezza database to a file (转载)Eclipse 怎样支持中文?
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Web Seminar host by CINAOUG at 2011/05/02 7PM EST (转载)how把文件drag到一个application's icon, so it takes the file as input ?
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话题: aginity话题: column话题: netezza话题: sql话题: exporting
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 579
【 以下文字转载自 Database 讨论区 】
发信人: light009 (light009), 信区: Database
标 题: add column name in exporting table netezza aginity sql
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 3 01:49:56 2014, 美东)
I need to export a table (60 GB) from IBM netezza aginity sql database
workbench to a csv file.
But, the column names are missing even though I set up "skip row" as 0.
Because the file is too large, I cannot open and edit it in Excel or notepad
How to add the column names ?
Any help would be appreciated.
发帖数: 1637
"less" under linux or install cygwin under windows.
Excel 是给文艺青年用的吧
1 (共1页)
windows下操作大的文本文件比如1M的error export sql table from IBM netezza database to a file (转载)
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C++ 下载版本Web Seminar host by CINAOUG at 2011/05/02 7PM EST (转载)
文本显示问题create a unique primary key that can be indexed IBM netezza (转载)
check time table created in IBM SQL Aginity workbench ?pypyodbc error access netezza SQL server on win7 (转载)
copy database from one server to another in IBM netezza Agi (转载)how to write IE plug-in?
Error of SQL query on IBM netezza SQL database from Aginity (转载)How to get the next active Window?
我的DBA在生成ORACLE table的时候需要一个一个column看 (转载)revision control
话题: aginity话题: column话题: netezza话题: sql话题: exporting