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Programming版 - waiting for N condition variables in linux
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话题: condition话题: sender话题: variables话题: linux话题: waiting
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 271
Does anyone know if there is a Linux API allowing a single call to
block and wait for multiple condition variables, in a way similar to
select() waiting on multiple fds, and, similar to the Win32 API
WaitForMultipleObjects()? Many thanks!
发帖数: 3557
You can wait for a single condition and allow multiple sources signal
this condition.

【在 j******n 的大作中提到】
: Does anyone know if there is a Linux API allowing a single call to
: block and wait for multiple condition variables, in a way similar to
: select() waiting on multiple fds, and, similar to the Win32 API
: WaitForMultipleObjects()? Many thanks!

发帖数: 2610

【在 X****r 的大作中提到】
: You can wait for a single condition and allow multiple sources signal
: this condition.

发帖数: 3557

【在 P********e 的大作中提到】
: 除非能知道是谁signal的,否则好像不太一样
发帖数: 271
That seems to have a problem. When the thread wakes up from the wait and
checks the variable identifying the sender of signal, it still cannot be
that no other senders also signals the condition. As a result, it has to
all possible sources. One example is:
consumer waits on a condition;
sender 1 signals the condition and marks the sender id as 1;
consumer wakes up but preempted before doing anything
sender 2 signals the condition and marks the sender id as 2;
consumer continues and ch

【在 X****r 的大作中提到】
: pthread系列的wait/signal本身不传递数据,所以你反正也要用共享的变量,
: 加一个谁signal的变量不就行了。

发帖数: 6806
if multiple src are allowed to signal simutaneously, the "variable" must
allow this, of course.

【在 j******n 的大作中提到】
: That seems to have a problem. When the thread wakes up from the wait and
: checks the variable identifying the sender of signal, it still cannot be
: sure
: that no other senders also signals the condition. As a result, it has to
: check
: all possible sources. One example is:
: consumer waits on a condition;
: sender 1 signals the condition and marks the sender id as 1;
: consumer wakes up but preempted before doing anything
: sender 2 signals the condition and marks the sender id as 2;

发帖数: 3557
It is not a problem, because pthread_cont_wait automatically locks
the mutex before it returns. As long as you always access the variable
after obtained the mutex -- you must do it to make sure the wait
performs correctly anyway -- there is not problem.

【在 j******n 的大作中提到】
: That seems to have a problem. When the thread wakes up from the wait and
: checks the variable identifying the sender of signal, it still cannot be
: sure
: that no other senders also signals the condition. As a result, it has to
: check
: all possible sources. One example is:
: consumer waits on a condition;
: sender 1 signals the condition and marks the sender id as 1;
: consumer wakes up but preempted before doing anything
: sender 2 signals the condition and marks the sender id as 2;

发帖数: 271
The problem is not about locking the variable or not. It is about you cannot
reliably detect *ALL* senders using a simple variable to identify the sender
One can use a struct such as a list to store the sender ids. Then there is
problem that when the consumer is too slow, the list may grow unbounded.

【在 X****r 的大作中提到】
: It is not a problem, because pthread_cont_wait automatically locks
: the mutex before it returns. As long as you always access the variable
: after obtained the mutex -- you must do it to make sure the wait
: performs correctly anyway -- there is not problem.

发帖数: 6806
the send id should be something like a bit map, such as the one used in
select(2). no one will use a list to describe that.


【在 j******n 的大作中提到】
: The problem is not about locking the variable or not. It is about you cannot
: reliably detect *ALL* senders using a simple variable to identify the sender
: .
: One can use a struct such as a list to store the sender ids. Then there is
: the
: problem that when the consumer is too slow, the list may grow unbounded.

1 (共1页)
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话题: condition话题: sender话题: variables话题: linux话题: waiting