n*********3 发帖数: 534 | 1 apart from Leica,
what would be a good one, say under $2000.
Thanks, | h******c 发帖数: 2111 | 2 iPhone or any other smartphones | a******d 发帖数: 955 | | J********o 发帖数: 17447 | | n*********3 发帖数: 534 | 5 Many thanks,
Yeah, I am debating if just a smart phone is enough.
These information are good, thanks,
I am also thinking about
lumix gx9, which is at the preorder stage, will ship around the end of the
There are so many options.... | a******d 发帖数: 955 | 6 有个马格南摄影师,转搞street photography的,就用m43
街头摄影对相机要求比野马大师那种风光摄影要低很多,主要是摄影师想法 | n*********3 发帖数: 534 | 7 http://www.vivianmaier.com/gallery/street-1/#slide-15
These photos are quite attention grabbing.
There is another japanese photographer only use one camera, maybe even one
lens to his work.
【在 a******d 的大作中提到】 : 有个马格南摄影师,转搞street photography的,就用m43 : 街头摄影对相机要求比野马大师那种风光摄影要低很多,主要是摄影师想法