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PennySaver版 - free GNC gold card & for college students ymmv
Free GNC Gold Card & Shaker Cup with College IDWendy's FREE "W" Double Cheeseburger Coupon
Free 1-Year GNC Gold Cardgnc 3倍鱼油一般什么deal?
GNC免费金卡和shaker cupSears (participating stores) Free Winter Clothes for SYW members
Target In-Store Deal: Radio Flyer Trailblazer Wagon 50% off; YMMV请问BOGO 50% OFF和BOGO free coupon一起用怎么算
Facebook上有免费GNC的金卡和摇摇杯Snuggle Fabric Softener: Free At KMART
怎么没人讨论FREE PHONE @T-mobile呢谁有GNC的gold card么?
[dead] Shoprunner Free For a YEAR ($79 normally) For New MembersFREE Huggies wipes @ CVS (4/25 week)
[出售]One year shoprunner membership reg code (转载)请问谁有GNC gold card?
话题: free话题: gnc话题: college话题: gold话题: fb
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 13821
GNC Free Gold Card & free Shaker Cup with valid College ID (YMMV) exp Aug
31st through Facebook
I came across this just now and figured this may work out for some students
across the country. GNC is offering a free gold card and shaker cup for
college students with a valid ID, now before you go run to your closest one
read that they say participating stores only, so there are going to be ones
out there that aren't going to offer this. Namely I am thinking that the
corporate owned ones will probably be on board with this, but any franchised
ones MAY not. Since it is on their FB though it may be worth calling you
local store to see...you must first like their page also in case you don't
know how Facebook works.
You have to wait for an email, and from the posts on FB some people are
having some difficulty getting the emall from FB offers, so again be patient
to get it especially if this deal goes front page and everybody starts
doing it.
It doesn't mention online so probably not worth calling in for that...
Here is the FB posting:
20% off your ENTIRE purchase with FREE Gold Card & FREE Shaker Cup with
Valid College ID
Expires August 31, 2012
At participating GNC stores only. Must present a current University or
College ID and t
his email to the Sales Associate in the store to redeem this offer. Coupon
Codes: One Free Gold Card (19602) and One Free Shaker (19601)
credit to slickdeal
发帖数: 10429


【在 f*******w 的大作中提到】
: GNC Free Gold Card & free Shaker Cup with valid College ID (YMMV) exp Aug
: 31st through Facebook
: I came across this just now and figured this may work out for some students
: across the country. GNC is offering a free gold card and shaker cup for
: college students with a valid ID, now before you go run to your closest one
: read that they say participating stores only, so there are going to be ones
: out there that aren't going to offer this. Namely I am thinking that the
: corporate owned ones will probably be on board with this, but any franchised
: ones MAY not. Since it is on their FB though it may be worth calling you
: local store to see...you must first like their page also in case you don't

发帖数: 9773
发帖数: 61
在哪里 没找到
1 (共1页)
请问谁有GNC gold card?Facebook上有免费GNC的金卡和摇摇杯
请问对于BOGO,买2送1的胖子如何用呢?怎么没人讨论FREE PHONE @T-mobile呢
Two FREE Vanish Drop-Ins[dead] Shoprunner Free For a YEAR ($79 normally) For New Members
1-Year Amazon Prime Membership for College Students for Free[出售]One year shoprunner membership reg code (转载)
Free GNC Gold Card & Shaker Cup with College IDWendy's FREE "W" Double Cheeseburger Coupon
Free 1-Year GNC Gold Cardgnc 3倍鱼油一般什么deal?
GNC免费金卡和shaker cupSears (participating stores) Free Winter Clothes for SYW members
Target In-Store Deal: Radio Flyer Trailblazer Wagon 50% off; YMMV请问BOGO 50% OFF和BOGO free coupon一起用怎么算
话题: free话题: gnc话题: college话题: gold话题: fb