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Parenting版 - 有关daycare 的teacher appreciation month (转载)
需要给老师送 Gift Card 吗教师节大家都送什么
teacher appreciation weekUS has 教师节?
Teacher Appreciation Day 怎么办错过了teacher appreciation week, 没给老师礼物,怎么弥补呀?
my son was bitten by another kid幼儿园给老师送礼的问题
是我心理阴暗还是幼儿园一片好心?easter 给老师送礼
Faculty Appreciation Week请问下周一定要给DAYCARE 老师送礼物吗?
话题: month话题: teacher话题: daycare话题: teachers
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 561
【 以下文字转载自 NextGeneration 讨论区 】
发信人: NaNaWu (娜娜屋), 信区: NextGeneration
标 题: 有关daycare 的teacher appreciation month
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Apr 28 19:39:49 2013, 美东)
我娃下月初开始去daycare (去年夏天去过同一家3个月),上周末收到daycare 有关下
个月的schedule,其中提到是teacher appreciation month,各位妈妈帮我看看。
I have attached the information about Teacher Appreciation Month. Sign up
sheets are in the lobby at the window if you are interested in donating. We
are spreading it out this month to show our appreciation and because you
were so generous in the past that we couldn't eat everything in just one
week. :) Please feel free to sign up to bring breakfast, snack, lunch or
dessert for the teachers! We also are collecting gifts cards for the end of
the month and "spa" items such as lotions and magazines. We are thankful
for any donations that you can help with during the month of May. We
typically have 20 teachers per day. ** and I have our own little calendar
in addition to this one, so we can show how much the teachers mean to us.
那个signup sheet 听上去是指给全部老师share,那gift card难道也是? 如果是要多
少钱比较合适。 我是觉得我娃班上的2位老师肯定是要给的,想着$25应该可以吧。请
大家给点主意, 谢谢。
1 (共1页)
请问下周一定要给DAYCARE 老师送礼物吗?my son was bitten by another kid
Teacher Appreciation Week 送什么?是我心理阴暗还是幼儿园一片好心?
Teacher Appreciation Week 做点啥?我家宝宝这样好不好
要不要夹gift card? teacher appreciation dayFaculty Appreciation Week
需要给老师送 Gift Card 吗教师节大家都送什么
teacher appreciation weekUS has 教师节?
Teacher Appreciation Day 怎么办错过了teacher appreciation week, 没给老师礼物,怎么弥补呀?
话题: month话题: teacher话题: daycare话题: teachers