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PDA版 - 哈哈 bb要开始卖android了
黑莓CEO海因斯:Android和iOS已落后黑莓明年1月30日发布BB10 PlayBook同步升级 (转载)
喊一声,有人在使用黑莓Q10 吗?BB10看来是完蛋了。
Blackberry还远没有死BBM app为啥这么火爆?
大家觉得Blackberry Bold 9780这个手机怎么样?有没有用Q10的?
问个美国和中国互通BLACKBERRY MESSAGE的问题傻子平板来了
有无黑莓饭,请进~!倒闭倒闭 bb赶紧倒闭
话题: blackberry话题: android话题: chan话题: ios话题: would
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 20761
Bringing BlackBerry to Android and iOS would only hasten the platform’s
Talk of BlackBerry’s future has been … rocky to say the least. Gloom and
doom articles stretch far and wide. And I, personally, have lost a lot of
faith in the company and platform. As a long-time BlackBerry fanatic, I grew
quite fond of the company and its products. But after waiting for years for
BlackBerry 10, a company refresh with new hardware and software, the end
result was certainly anticlimactic.
I spent a few weeks with a BlackBerry Q10. I spent most of that time trying
to figure out what to do with the thing. There weren’t any of the necessary
applications I regularly use. The software was clunky and schizophrenic.
And there simply wasn’t much appeal in either the hardware or software,
once I finally got my hands on it.
It’s unfortunate, really. And the general consensus isn’t too far off from
the conclusions I drew. The company spent the last five years playing catch
-up, rather than innovating truly new, awe-inspiring features. The platform,
at least on the consumer side, has very little to offer alongside more
adept platforms like Android, iOS, and even Windows Phone.
Even by the numbers, the BlackBerry 10 launch wasn’t anything to get
excited over. The excitement and anticipation surrounding the launch of
BlackBerry 10 only took weeks to wear off, and market share and stock prices
continue to slip.
Considering investors and share holders were up in arms prior to the
BlackBerry 10 launch, things haven’t really improved on that front. As such
, rumors of BlackBerry looking to sell have sprung up recently.
Lending credence to those rumors, BlackBerry came forward with an official
statement, explaining that “now is the right time to explore strategic
z10-handOf course, what that means isn’t totally clear. For all we know, it
could mean a sale is on the table. Or, as other rumors have alleged, the
company is looking to merge the core BlackBerry 10 experience with the
markedly more popular Android platform.
Also last week, our own Stephen Schenck brought us news that BlackBerry
investor Robin Chan developed a strategy for BlackBerry, an “opportunity to
re-build the business.” The basic premise of the strategy was for
BlackBerry to … sort of pull an IBM – sell its enterprise services and
mobile device management for BYOB enterprise customers. It would continue to
use its existing or similar hardware, but in essence, BlackBerry would stop
development of QNX BlackBerry 10 and shift gears to fork Android
development for enterprise-driven software that could be easily applied to
practically any Android device.
Chan’s plan obviously never went into effect, but it clarifies one thing:
consumers, investors, and pretty much everyone in between has little faith
in BlackBerry as a standalone OS and an ecosystem among the likes of Android
and iOS.
And it seems like the best solution anyone has to offer is for BlackBerry (
the company) to kill BlackBerry (the OS) and use Android instead, with its
own spin, much like how Motorola, Samsung, or HTC do with their respective
Chan’s plan is noble and pretty well thought out. But it reeks of
desperation from someone who is neck-deep in an investment on the verge of
going belly-up.
Chan’s strategy seems a bit grandiose.
Maybe that’s a bit dramatic … or maybe it isn’t. But frankly, it’s a
terrible idea.
Practically all BlackBerry has left at this point is threes things: amazing
physical keyboards, mobile security and enterprise support, and intellectual
Physical keyboards on smartphones are arguably antiquated, and the rest of
BlackBerry’s hardware is … uninspired.
Chan’s entire idea rides on the belief that BlackBerry’s enterprise
services are up to snuff and … well, better than everyone else’s. There’s
a fair argument to be made that they are. There’s also reason for
skepticism that they won’t be for long. Samsung and other mobile companies
are taking BlackBerry’s elongated lull as the perfect opportunity to
sharpen their own enterprise teeth.
This means the entire strategy would rest on the BlackBerry brand, which has
undoubtedly seen better days. I can’t help but imagine companies looking
for a long-term enterprise solution are fearful of BlackBerry’s future and
its continued failure to adapt to the rapidly changing market.
Killing the platform and/or hardware to sell its services to companies using
Android or iOS is a bold move, to say the least, which would ultimately be
a tougher sale than Chan thinks. Take BBM, for example. BlackBerry has some
delusional belief that offering BBM on Android and iOS will be useful or
worthwhile. Maybe it thinks BBM will rekindle users’ love for the platform.
But BBM as a cross-platform messaging service would be quickly lost in the
sea of competitors. It’s a move that’s a few years late and a couple
bankers boxes of dollars short.
Enterprise, while there aren’t nearly as many viable competitors, would
likely face a similar struggle. There would be no turning back, and the
process would likely dilute the brand even further.
However, it appears as if we may never get to that point anyway. Reports
that BlackBerry’s patent portfolio could be worth up to $5 billion forces
us to believe we won’t have to worry about anything of the sort. With
roughly 9,000 patents on the table, a potential of a BlackBerry sale is
looking like a juicy steak dinner, and the market’s biggest players are
prepping for a feast.
发帖数: 68029


【在 p*******m 的大作中提到】
: Bringing BlackBerry to Android and iOS would only hasten the platform’s
: demise
: Talk of BlackBerry’s future has been … rocky to say the least. Gloom and
: doom articles stretch far and wide. And I, personally, have lost a lot of
: faith in the company and platform. As a long-time BlackBerry fanatic, I grew
: quite fond of the company and its products. But after waiting for years for
: BlackBerry 10, a company refresh with new hardware and software, the end
: result was certainly anticlimactic.
: I spent a few weeks with a BlackBerry Q10. I spent most of that time trying
: to figure out what to do with the thing. There weren’t any of the necessary

发帖数: 1589
发帖数: 4908
赶快进bb的股票,all in。


【在 p*******m 的大作中提到】
: Bringing BlackBerry to Android and iOS would only hasten the platform’s
: demise
: Talk of BlackBerry’s future has been … rocky to say the least. Gloom and
: doom articles stretch far and wide. And I, personally, have lost a lot of
: faith in the company and platform. As a long-time BlackBerry fanatic, I grew
: quite fond of the company and its products. But after waiting for years for
: BlackBerry 10, a company refresh with new hardware and software, the end
: result was certainly anticlimactic.
: I spent a few weeks with a BlackBerry Q10. I spent most of that time trying
: to figure out what to do with the thing. There weren’t any of the necessary

发帖数: 8189
For real?

【在 d*****0 的大作中提到】
: 刷个机就是安猪了
: grew
: for
: trying

发帖数: 11251


【在 p*******m 的大作中提到】
: Bringing BlackBerry to Android and iOS would only hasten the platform’s
: demise
: Talk of BlackBerry’s future has been … rocky to say the least. Gloom and
: doom articles stretch far and wide. And I, personally, have lost a lot of
: faith in the company and platform. As a long-time BlackBerry fanatic, I grew
: quite fond of the company and its products. But after waiting for years for
: BlackBerry 10, a company refresh with new hardware and software, the end
: result was certainly anticlimactic.
: I spent a few weeks with a BlackBerry Q10. I spent most of that time trying
: to figure out what to do with the thing. There weren’t any of the necessary

发帖数: 4593
That's just too late. BBRY is not Nokia, which has good hardware design team
. It is not better than many Korean/Japanese and even Chinese phone
companies. They got much more experience in terms of how to make Android
If Nokia does this, I would buy Nokia stock.
Do not know if Nokia would come up same decision like this. Otherwise, it's
not going to survive long term.
发帖数: 1245
发帖数: 34805
这年头messenger, email都有替代产品。
发帖数: 4593

Exactly, these days probably more than 10 Chinese phone companies can make
better Android phones than BB.
BB has been spending a lot of money on its new OS, but very few people are
buying. Its platform and ecosystem are dying. After 5 years, it will be like
today's Palm phone. Today's Palm will be tomorrow BB.

【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】
: bb除了一点知识产权,剩下的根本没人要。如果早几年上android还有点戏。
: 这年头messenger, email都有替代产品。

发帖数: 2983
差的还是软件 (OS加app)
1 (共1页)
倒闭倒闭 bb赶紧倒闭大家觉得Blackberry Bold 9780这个手机怎么样?
物理健盘的手机是不是还是黑莓最强问个美国和中国互通BLACKBERRY MESSAGE的问题
Blackberry Q10和Z10上的中文输入怎么样?有无黑莓饭,请进~!
黑莓CEO海因斯:Android和iOS已落后黑莓明年1月30日发布BB10 PlayBook同步升级 (转载)
喊一声,有人在使用黑莓Q10 吗?BB10看来是完蛋了。
Blackberry还远没有死BBM app为啥这么火爆?
话题: blackberry话题: android话题: chan话题: ios话题: would