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PDA版 - 原来android market比果子的app store更赚钱啊
scientific calculator on tp2?ipad 2 review by engadget
Windows cannot lose (转载)HP旗舰智能机也开始大甩卖,铁了心要扔掉webos
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有人玩pocket legends么?Note 3 camera doesn't have ois
LG to offer 7-inch 1920 x 1200 tablet displaysLG G2这个广告相当有水平
S4 named top smartphone by Consumer Reports中国智能手机市场接近饱和?
Nokia 开抢BB企业市场Poor XBox Music app will be updated 22 Apr
话题: android话题: market话题: app话题: more话题: ios
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6187
"Back in 2009, we wrote a story on crack mobile developer Larva Labs
lamenting its inability to make a living off top-rated games in the Android
Market. Well, to put it lightly, it ain't 2009 anymore: the Android
ecosystem has expanded exponentially in every conceivable direction, the
Market has taken on tens of thousands of additional apps, and -- according
to one research firm, anyway -- Android has now overtaken BlackBerry to
become the most prolific smartphone platform in the US.
To that end, Spacetime Studios -- the company behind mobile MMORPG Pocket
Legends, which brings in revenue through in-app purchases -- was shocked to
discover that it's making some 30 to 50 percent more from its Android users
than its iOS ones. Furthermore, they're spending more time playing and
downloading the app with far greater frequency, which might be a testament
to the fact that really great apps still stand out in the Market better than
they do in the more mature (and more populated) App Store. The in-app
purchase disparity is a little more difficult to explain, though --
especially since iOS has a slick, integrated purchase mechanism that Google
won't be rolling out in Android for a little while yet. At any rate, the
online mobile economy -- regardless of platform -- clearly still has some
growing, maturing, and stabilizing to do.."
android market share jan.2011
发帖数: 3794
小心果子们发狠,除了给jobs送钱,还大量给app dev送。


【在 T****n 的大作中提到】
: "Back in 2009, we wrote a story on crack mobile developer Larva Labs
: lamenting its inability to make a living off top-rated games in the Android
: Market. Well, to put it lightly, it ain't 2009 anymore: the Android
: ecosystem has expanded exponentially in every conceivable direction, the
: Market has taken on tens of thousands of additional apps, and -- according
: to one research firm, anyway -- Android has now overtaken BlackBerry to
: become the most prolific smartphone platform in the US.
: To that end, Spacetime Studios -- the company behind mobile MMORPG Pocket
: Legends, which brings in revenue through in-app purchases -- was shocked to
: discover that it's making some 30 to 50 percent more from its Android users

1 (共1页)
Poor XBox Music app will be updated 22 Apr有人玩pocket legends么?
LG G3LG to offer 7-inch 1920 x 1200 tablet displays
note4如果加OIS是不是快一捅phablet江湖了?S4 named top smartphone by Consumer Reports
爱凤黑市视频Nokia 开抢BB企业市场
scientific calculator on tp2?ipad 2 review by engadget
Windows cannot lose (转载)HP旗舰智能机也开始大甩卖,铁了心要扔掉webos
微软宣布WP击败黑莓what are the advantages of lumia 920 compared to 900?
话题: android话题: market话题: app话题: more话题: ios