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Overseas版 - CS Ph.d @ UTD
请问现在要想拿奖学金的话GRE, TOEFL需要多少分?Postdoc /Ph.D. positions in Wireless Networking
Ph.D. Positions in CS/CE/EE at Iowa State UniversityPh.D. and postdoc positions in Wireless Networking
Ph.D. Positions in CS/CE/EE at Iowa State UniversityPh.D. and postdoc positions in Wireless Networking
Ph.D. Positions in CS/CE/EE at Iowa State University --- bPh.D. and postdoc positions in Wireless Networking & Cyber-Physical Systems
Ph.D. Positions in CS/CE/EE at Iowa State UniversityPh.D. positions in Wireless Networks & Cyber-Physical-Human Systems (e.g., Autonomous Cars & AR/VR)
Ph.D. Positions in CS/CE/EE at Iowa State University[合集] 来2个月了,英语不见长进,大家都怎么练英语的
弱问,social security寄来信, 没看明白我错啥了PHD Candidate & Post Doc Wanted
话题: iot话题: data话题: service话题: control话题: av
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1
PhD positions in the Computer Science Department, University of Texas at
We are recruiting a few PhD students starting in Fall 2017. Students from CS
and other related disciplines are welcome to apply. Interested students
please email the following to [email protected]/* */
* Resume (also list GPAs, TOFEL and GRE scores)
* Transcripts
General Requirements
* Strong programming ability and research aptitude
* Highly interested in and will dedicate to research
Description of Projects:
Security and Data Provenance for IoT Cloud
IoT has raised great interests in recent years. Many IoT systems collects a
large quantity of time series data. In this project, we (1) investigate best
mechanisms for routing and storing time series data, (2) SaaS provisioning
of analytics of big IoT data to support many different IoT applications, (3)
data provenance infrastructure and techniques to ensure the trustworthiness
of the IoT data flow, and (4) end to end security for IoT systems and data.
Autonomous Vehicle Control Infrastructure
In recent years, autonomous vehicles (AV) have become a reality. Though many
successful cases, further investigation is still desirable to improve the
quality of AV control. In this project, we investigate learning based AV
control. We analyze data to learn better object motion prediction and
driving control decision making. We study the infrastructure for V2V
communications to obtain extended knowledge of the road conditions and
facilitate better and early control decisions. We also investigate what to
communicate to minimize the cost and maximize the effectiveness of
information, how to assure the trustworthiness of the data, and how to most
effectively fuse data from the vehicular cloud.
Service Computing
Service oriented architecture has become a popular paradigm for rapid system
development and deployment. In this project, we consider various issues in
service computing, including (1) automated composition of services using
planning techniques, (2) applying service composition techniques in various
application domains, such as CPS and IoT systems, (3) service clustering to
facilitate more effective discovery, etc.
1 (共1页)
PHD Candidate & Post Doc WantedPh.D. Positions in CS/CE/EE at Iowa State University
PHD Student PositionPh.D. Positions in CS/CE/EE at Iowa State University
Anyone can help with this?弱问,social security寄来信, 没看明白我错啥了
请问现在要想拿奖学金的话GRE, TOEFL需要多少分?Postdoc /Ph.D. positions in Wireless Networking
Ph.D. Positions in CS/CE/EE at Iowa State UniversityPh.D. and postdoc positions in Wireless Networking
Ph.D. Positions in CS/CE/EE at Iowa State UniversityPh.D. and postdoc positions in Wireless Networking
Ph.D. Positions in CS/CE/EE at Iowa State University --- bPh.D. and postdoc positions in Wireless Networking & Cyber-Physical Systems
话题: iot话题: data话题: service话题: control话题: av