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Overseas版 - Postdoc or RA position-Single-cell Tech, DNA detection- at SUNY Albany
Research Assistant and postdoctoral positions available immediately为逝去的陈琳(Chen,Lin)募捐
9月22日CJ,被check,另:签证费涨了!!PhD student opening in materials science
有没有去ASME summer bioengineering conference的?Which One is Better?
Research Assistantships at the Penn State BioNEMS GroupSUNY BUFFALO VS OR STATE UNIV.
i20延长了,刚发现专业不一样。。。 (转载)SUNY 的名声到底如何? 我有朋友的小GIRl孩想过去读 MBA.
招化学博士后和研究生比较学校 VT vs delaware vs others
OTTAWA签证经历--美国签证★Q/微:909865536毕業証.成績單-使館认證.教育部认証 存档ke查
彼岸半载RA position at MSU on MEMS
话题: research话题: biology话题: assistant话题: single话题: students
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 45
We are seeking highly motivated Ph.D. students as Research Assistant or/and
postdoctoral fellow in the area of single-cell technology and DNA detection,
starting immediately. The potential students and postdoc will work on
research projects related to biomedical microdevice and single-cell systems
biology for disease diagnosis and treatment. Research directions include
exploring new chemistry and engineering solutions for emerging problems in
cancer biology, immunotherapy, infectious disease, and regenerative medicine.
The Ph.D. students and postdoctoral researchers with Bioengineering,Biology,
Biomedical Science/Engineering, Systems Biology, Chemical Engineering,
Chemistry backgrounds are preferred, who should have demonstrated ingenuity,
productivity, and ability to work in a diverse, high energy environment.
Prior research experience for the Research Assistant positions is not
required. Students with master degree or good experimental skills in the
related areas are very welcomed to apply for the Research Assistant
positions. For the postdoctoral positions, candidates with research
experiences in microfluidics, systems biology, cancer biology, or immunology
are preferred. Salary is commensurate with research experience and ability.
Interested candidates should send a letter describing your interest in the
position, CV, and names of three references to Email: [email protected]
/* */
Evaluation of candidates will begin immediately and will continue until
these positions are filled. For any questions, please contact Dr. Jun Wang,
Assistant Professor, SUNY Albany.
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/multiplexbiotechlab/home
1 (共1页)
RA position at MSU on MEMSi20延长了,刚发现专业不一样。。。 (转载)
Ph.D. openings in CS @ University of Texas at DallasOTTAWA签证经历--美国签证
Research Assistant and postdoctoral positions available immediately为逝去的陈琳(Chen,Lin)募捐
9月22日CJ,被check,另:签证费涨了!!PhD student opening in materials science
有没有去ASME summer bioengineering conference的?Which One is Better?
Research Assistantships at the Penn State BioNEMS GroupSUNY BUFFALO VS OR STATE UNIV.
话题: research话题: biology话题: assistant话题: single话题: students