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Outdoors版 - Glacial ice in August
Dragontail Serpentine Arete 8/1/09
玉渊神龙近 - Colchuck Lake Trail (转载)
Peak bagging (alpine rock) at Leavenworth
我也爬了South Sister和St Helens
Enchantment Travese
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再游Enchantment Lakes
话题: glacial话题: ice话题: august话题: colchuck话题: climbing
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 180
I spotted the bluish ice on Colchuck glacier last time when I was on
Dragontail so decided to give it a try (3 weeks ago). Glad I did and it
was another fun day in the beautiful Stuart Range. Climbing glacial ice
in August got me stoked.
Summary: 16 miles, 2 peaks, 6,700 ft gain, 11 hrs car to car.
0300 leave Seattle
0600 start from TH
0730 get to Colchuck lake
0945 start climbing ice. The approach to the climb was slow and long on
the glacial debris moraine since the glacier has receded dramat
发帖数: 39815
We climbed dragontail via Asgard pass last labor day. The steep slope was
covered with hard snow, not too bad though.

【在 p*******r 的大作中提到】
: I spotted the bluish ice on Colchuck glacier last time when I was on
: Dragontail so decided to give it a try (3 weeks ago). Glad I did and it
: was another fun day in the beautiful Stuart Range. Climbing glacial ice
: in August got me stoked.
: Summary: 16 miles, 2 peaks, 6,700 ft gain, 11 hrs car to car.
: 0300 leave Seattle
: 0600 start from TH
: 0730 get to Colchuck lake
: 0945 start climbing ice. The approach to the climb was slow and long on
: the glacial debris moraine since the glacier has receded dramat

发帖数: 2159

【在 p*******r 的大作中提到】
: I spotted the bluish ice on Colchuck glacier last time when I was on
: Dragontail so decided to give it a try (3 weeks ago). Glad I did and it
: was another fun day in the beautiful Stuart Range. Climbing glacial ice
: in August got me stoked.
: Summary: 16 miles, 2 peaks, 6,700 ft gain, 11 hrs car to car.
: 0300 leave Seattle
: 0600 start from TH
: 0730 get to Colchuck lake
: 0945 start climbing ice. The approach to the climb was slow and long on
: the glacial debris moraine since the glacier has receded dramat

发帖数: 1327
I always enjoy reading your trip report.
Thank you for sharing.

【在 p*******r 的大作中提到】
: I spotted the bluish ice on Colchuck glacier last time when I was on
: Dragontail so decided to give it a try (3 weeks ago). Glad I did and it
: was another fun day in the beautiful Stuart Range. Climbing glacial ice
: in August got me stoked.
: Summary: 16 miles, 2 peaks, 6,700 ft gain, 11 hrs car to car.
: 0300 leave Seattle
: 0600 start from TH
: 0730 get to Colchuck lake
: 0945 start climbing ice. The approach to the climb was slow and long on
: the glacial debris moraine since the glacier has receded dramat

发帖数: 4574
This kind of report is really inspiring

【在 n*****a 的大作中提到】
: I always enjoy reading your trip report.
: Thank you for sharing.

发帖数: 5444
这个google map是怎么搞到的阿?
发帖数: 180
Glad you felt that way. Thanks.

【在 f********t 的大作中提到】
: This kind of report is really inspiring
1 (共1页)
再游Enchantment Lakes
enchantment lakes TR (2) 龙尾峰
十月 @ Enchantment Lakes
[求教]Mt. Rainier NP backpacking
Poor weather this year
Camp Muir this weekend?
求行程建议:North/Central Cascade
[TR] Dragontail Serpentine Arete, Grade IV, 5.8 (zz for zd8
Wind River总结和教训
话题: glacial话题: ice话题: august话题: colchuck话题: climbing