

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Outdoors版 - Day climb Mt Rainier (4)
Day climb Mt Rainier (6)请教一下climbing的食品问题
活动汇总贴里面的2009 summer Mt rainier和谁联系?Rainier Tahoma Glacier (I) (by zd8848)
Rainier Success Cleavor[合集] What is THE climb you really want to do this year?
Interested in climbing Rainier?Mt Rainier - Emmons Route 7/3-7/4
周末的scramble2011 new year's resolution
有木有人一起今年7,8月想去爬Rainier的Any exciting climbs planned this season?
[TR] Ingalls Peak E Ridge climb (06/13/09)想8月爬Mt Rainier,征有经验的parter
去过mount rainier的请教几个问题Rainier ice Jan
话题: were话题: ridge话题: dc话题: day话题: mt
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 35
Any good thing would come to an end, the enjoyable climbing on DC ridge
crest was no exception. By staying on the ridge, I could see the process of
all the rope teams on DC. Little by little, those that were behind us were
now passing us and moving ahead of us. The reason was simple, now they were
on snow field with steps kicked for them and we were scrambling on class 4
terrain. I realized that we had to get off the ridge before we fell too
terribly far behind.
Shortly after getting off the rid
1 (共1页)
Rainier ice Jan周末的scramble
请教大家爬 rainier 的可能行有木有人一起今年7,8月想去爬Rainier的
慈善登山活动汇报 (转载)[TR] Ingalls Peak E Ridge climb (06/13/09)
Rainier Kautz Glacier, my last Rainier climb去过mount rainier的请教几个问题
Day climb Mt Rainier (6)请教一下climbing的食品问题
活动汇总贴里面的2009 summer Mt rainier和谁联系?Rainier Tahoma Glacier (I) (by zd8848)
Rainier Success Cleavor[合集] What is THE climb you really want to do this year?
Interested in climbing Rainier?Mt Rainier - Emmons Route 7/3-7/4
话题: were话题: ridge话题: dc话题: day话题: mt