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NewYork版 - 国会议员的倾向 (转载)
好吧,就算伤心是编的,捐款是建立在隐瞒部分事实的基础上4月17日 hiking 报名,
水调歌头的翻译陈冠希辞职了啊 (转载)
剩女是个伪问题,剩男是个大问题新华女记者与加议员调情 加担心机密外泄 (转载)
美众议员Grace Meng孟昭文:让扁回家 王:将人道安排World Economies Enter 'Danger Zone'
The more Chinese your district has, the more dangerous you have.where to fix your own car in queens
Ethics 101 question在美国混的好不好,看你期望什么 (转载)
NIU会员给国会议员请愿信模版How yall suckers doing?
4/9 hiking 7 hills trail, 难-很难同事结婚绿卡的INTERVIEW在情人节被REJECTED了
话题: rep话题: china话题: japan话题: republican
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 18403
【 以下文字转载自 CivilSociety 讨论区 】
发信人: onetiemyshoe (onetiemyshoe), 信区: CivilSociety
标 题: 国会议员的倾向
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 15 10:02:11 2014, 美东)
We need lobbists and think tanks:
Republican Rep. Steve Chabot called China “dangerously aggressive” and
said it was attempting to take disputed territories by gradual force with
the “misguided hope that Japan, Southeast Asian nations and the U.S. will
just grudgingly accept it.”
Democratic Rep. Ami Bera called for a strong, bipartisan message from
Congress that China’s “threatening and provocative moves to assert their
maritime territorial claims are unacceptable.”
Republican Rep. Randy Forbes said the U.S. must be “100 percent intolerant
of China’s territorial claims and its continued resort to forms of military
coercion to alter the status quo in the region.”
While most lawmakers at Tuesday’s hearing were strongly supportive of the U
.S. military presence in the Asia-Pacific, Democratic Rep. Brad Sherman was
skeptical. He complained that the U.S. was plowing huge resources into
confronting China and helping defend the territorial claims of nations like
Japan that allot a far smaller proportion of their own budgets to defense.
1 (共1页)
同事结婚绿卡的INTERVIEW在情人节被REJECTED了The more Chinese your district has, the more dangerous you have.
“晕倒哥”是不是故意的?Ethics 101 question
9天还差9万个签名:歧视中国人不需要道歉? (转载)NIU会员给国会议员请愿信模版
如果最近去纽约玩,会不会有危险4/9 hiking 7 hills trail, 难-很难
好吧,就算伤心是编的,捐款是建立在隐瞒部分事实的基础上4月17日 hiking 报名,
水调歌头的翻译陈冠希辞职了啊 (转载)
剩女是个伪问题,剩男是个大问题新华女记者与加议员调情 加担心机密外泄 (转载)
美众议员Grace Meng孟昭文:让扁回家 王:将人道安排World Economies Enter 'Danger Zone'
话题: rep话题: china话题: japan话题: republican