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NewYork版 - the fucking democrats, this fucking obama is out of line
I think Chris Christie is a herocongrats to obama, and congrats to chris christy in four years!
Scientists warn California could be struck by winter ‘superstorm’上次谁说
Transgender Voice Workshop 星期一 5/23/11ZZ:Who’s Christie fooling? (转载)
let's just say, Mitt has found me (转载)会不会真的爆发瘟疫啊?
NY banSuperstorm Sandy babies start arriving (转载)
网购免交销售税的时代将结束 各州州长忙增收Don't fuck with me, you don't know who you deal with ...
明天纽约的天气,航班会取消吗?帮助MM们擦亮眼睛的帖子(转贴) (转载)
话题: christie话题: fucking话题: pallone话题: sandy话题: new
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7881
IRS retaliated against all those right wing charities, and nothing came out
and the democrats wants to kill Christie's presidential hopes. What are we
left of? Hilary Clinton??!!
WASHINGTON – New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie faces a federal probe of how he
spent Superstorm Sandy aid to add to his Bridge-gate woes , a lawmaker
announced Monday.
The feds are investigating Christie’s use of $25 million in aid for the “
Stronger than the Storm” TV ad campaign that prominently featured him and
his family, Rep. Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) told CNN.
“This was money that could have directly been used for Sandy recovery,”
Pallone said. “As you know, many of my constituents still haven’t gotten
the money that is owed them to rebuild their homes or raise their homes or
to help.”
The investigation by the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s
inspector general is focused on an ad campaign that was supposed to boost
tourism in New Jersey after the storm. New Jersey awarded the contract in
April to a politically-connected ad firm. MWW, which bid $4.7 million to
produce a commercial that prominently featured the Christies. The price tag
was more than $2 million above the next lowest bid. But the lower bid did
not include the Christies in the ad.
A finding of wrongdoing would be a major blow to Christie, who has made his
response to Superstorm Sandy a highlight on his political resume. It also
would further damage his reputation that has been stained by a close
aide ordering traffic-snarling lane closures on the George Washington Bridge
in September as political payback.
The bridge scandal is simultaneously under investigation by state lawmakers.
Pallone first tipped off the feds in August that the state picked a more
expensive bid that suspiciously included Christie, who was up for re-
election and angling for a 2016 presidential run. The inspector general’s
preliminary review found enough evidence to justify a full-scale probe, said
The investigation is expected to last several months.
发帖数: 14292
i am a Hilary fan. :)
发帖数: 2632
yeah what's up with that irs scandal, ppl forget abt it or sth?


【在 b**********5 的大作中提到】
: IRS retaliated against all those right wing charities, and nothing came out
: it..
: and the democrats wants to kill Christie's presidential hopes. What are we
: left of? Hilary Clinton??!!
: WASHINGTON – New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie faces a federal probe of how he
: spent Superstorm Sandy aid to add to his Bridge-gate woes , a lawmaker
: announced Monday.
: The feds are investigating Christie’s use of $25 million in aid for the “
: Stronger than the Storm” TV ad campaign that prominently featured him and
: his family, Rep. Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) told CNN.

发帖数: 4451
we are fucking doooooooooomed
i hate to be the first one to break it to you.
发帖数: 999
Look all your fucking liberals run this country, they need to fucking
restore the old time value and clean those fat ass welfare leachers. Make
welfare worst than Mickey's wage is the first step.
发帖数: 6276
哥几个也多看看新闻再发洋文的感慨。IRS 那事调查了,听证了,结果是一个倾向共和
党保守派的 IRS 官员下令查右翼组织的税。大水冲了龙王庙了,让人笑掉大牙。
发帖数: 14292

Really, no kidding, you know what? I don't really care their Chinese
policies. Me Being living here, you kind of can tell I shorted my china
option right?
1 (共1页)
帮助MM们擦亮眼睛的帖子(转贴) (转载)let's just say, Mitt has found me (转载)
Who the fuck is still working on a fucking Friday night?NY ban
The ring网购免交销售税的时代将结束 各州州长忙增收
2010: 我的离婚故事 (请转家版) (转载)明天纽约的天气,航班会取消吗?
I think Chris Christie is a herocongrats to obama, and congrats to chris christy in four years!
Scientists warn California could be struck by winter ‘superstorm’上次谁说
Transgender Voice Workshop 星期一 5/23/11ZZ:Who’s Christie fooling? (转载)
话题: christie话题: fucking话题: pallone话题: sandy话题: new