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NewYork版 - what percentage of american women don't wear underwear?
InfoSys被告上法庭:印度人百般刁难其他族裔,我经历多了-转载No pants day
纽约哪里买这种suit bag?[转帖]女明星穿着劲爆的衣服去领奖 是时尚还是爱暴露?
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<纽约生活>11月5日---11月11日【转】外国人穿秋裤么? _______关于秋裤的国际调查
搬家甩卖,东西都很新,在Elmhurst, NY女人做的太失败了 II
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话题: teachers话题: wear话题: underwear话题: little话题: rock
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发帖数: 23482
Little Rock school district will now make teachers wear underwear
The school district in Little Rock, Ark. has announced plans for a dress
code that will require teachers to wear underwear. Every single day. Female
teachers will have to wear bras, too.
An Aug. 29 letter from the Little Rock School District’s Office of the
Superintendent to all employees explains that the dress code will officially
go into effect in the fall of 2014.
“Foundational garments shall be worn and not visible with respect to color,
style, and/or fabric,” the letter reads. “No see-through or sheer
clothing shall be allowed, and no skin shall be visible between pants/
trousers, skirts, and shirts/blouses at any time.”
T-shirts, patches and other clothing containing slogans for beer, alcohol,
drugs, gangs or sex will also be prohibited. Other verboten garments will
include cut-off jeans with ragged edges, cut-out dresses and spaghetti-
straps if teachers aren’t wearing at least two layers.
Flip-flops will be banned. “Tattoos must be covered if at all possible.”
No jogging suits, either (though gym and dance teachers do get a pass on
this one).
And the very worst of all: No spandex.
Organized labor vocally opposes the new universal underwear requirement and
the rest of the non-draconian dress code.
Teachers union president Cathy Koehler wrote her own letter to the rank-and-
file detailing her position, according to Arkansas Times, a local
alternative rag.
In the letter, Koehler explains her fear that “if an employee refuses to go
home and change they can be considered insubordinate and risk losing their
job based on an opinion.” She also notes that things could be a lot more
restrictive. Teachers can still wear tennis shoes, for example, and male
teachers don’t have to wear shirts and ties.
The union president made some limited attempts to soften the new dress code
around the edges, which did not sit well with every union member.
“During the past few weeks, there were a few members who felt that I should
be very vocal on this issue and taken a firm public stand,” Koehler wrote.
As Eagnews.org notes, this minor kerfuffle in Little Rock is far from the
only teacher dress-code dustup of recent vintage.
In 2012, teachers in the beachside hamlet of Hampton, N.H. called an attempt
to prevent teachers from wearing jeans, tank-tops and flip-flops “
derogatory and condescending.”
This year, in Lewis County, W. Va., teachers pitched a fit because the local
board of education voted to prohibit them from wearing blue jeans, faded
jeans and shorts to work.
发帖数: 825
the smell must have been too strong...
the summer time must have been awful, if that's the case. This really should
发帖数: 1568
发帖数: 8992
I support you, the staunch supporter of a peculiar stench.

【在 n****r 的大作中提到】
: 不穿就不穿呗,大惊小怪。何况哪有生殖腔没有味道的。太多人对容貌和阴道充满各种
: 幻想和期待真是不可理喻

1 (共1页)
祸不及妻儿,wolver虽然狠了点搬家甩卖,东西都很新,在Elmhurst, NY
InfoSys被告上法庭:印度人百般刁难其他族裔,我经历多了-转载No pants day
纽约哪里买这种suit bag?[转帖]女明星穿着劲爆的衣服去领奖 是时尚还是爱暴露?
project runway sample salebei4 ju4 ah
<纽约生活>11月5日---11月11日【转】外国人穿秋裤么? _______关于秋裤的国际调查
话题: teachers话题: wear话题: underwear话题: little话题: rock