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NewYork版 - MSG/Survivor 今天晚上酒吧演唱
纽约哪里能买到下面链接里的这种长手套[转载] 一个人在纽约的日子--6
找妹下班一起逛bergdorf 开始打折了Re: 在 NY应 该 用 什 么 交 通 工 具 ?[旅游]
选票差距拉得有点距离了[转载] 记忆碎片--纽约行(4)
so now bo2 xi1 lai2's wife is arrested?Re: NYC 游计划及park问题
【春意盎然】floral and knit (转载)纽约机场简略指南 (欢迎大家补充)
纽约大苹果活动看板(1/9/2018---1/14/2018)请问: 纽约博物馆名字叫啥?
Re: 纽约两日游, 请推荐个行程吧, 多谢(内空)问:圣诞后在纽约玩的住宿和行程
Re: 纽约的ggddjjmm, 再问一次[旅游]问纽约停车及租房的问题, 求热心人解答
话题: survivor话题: avenue话题: msg话题: saturday
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 933
今天晚上9点到凌晨1点,Survivor 乐队在Brooklin 的一个酒吧和另外两个乐队演唱,
Survivor现在的主唱是原来MSG的Robin McAuley. 53年出生的老牌摇滚明星。详情见
下面链接。有想去的朋友吗? 站内联系! 俺现在出去买他的CD, 争取晚上弄个签名

This Saturday, the 29th of January at 9:30pm, Big Daddy Project, are playing
at the Knitting Factory in Williamsburg Brooklyn. It's shaping up to be an
amazing evening. The Vernon Horns and other special guests will join us so
get ready to smile and move your feet, and make sure to stick around to
catch the reanimated premiere of Eye Of The Tiger, a band that has been
frozen since 1986.
Here's a link to the event inviation on Facebook:
What: Big Daddy Project, plus The Orion Experience & Eye Of The Tiger
When: Saturday January 29th, 9:30pm
Where: The Knitting Factory, Williamsburg Brooklyn, 361 Metropolitan Avenue
How to get there: Take the L train to Bedford Avenue, Exit at the stairs
for Driggs Avenue, walk down Driggs 3 blocks to N4th, make a left and walk
along N4th until it merges with Metropolitan and voila you'll see it there.
It's a bit closer to the L/G train Lorimer Street stop. http://bk.knittingfactory.com/directions/
Tickets: To purchase in advance click $10.00
1 (共1页)
问纽约停车及租房的问题, 求热心人解答【春意盎然】floral and knit (转载)
请熟悉queens 和 kew gardens 的同学建议买房纽约大苹果活动看板(1/9/2018---1/14/2018)
明天晚上林肯中心《图兰朵》的票有人有兴趣吗Re: 纽约两日游, 请推荐个行程吧, 多谢(内空)
晚上开始下大雪,大家早点回家!Re: 纽约的ggddjjmm, 再问一次[旅游]
纽约哪里能买到下面链接里的这种长手套[转载] 一个人在纽约的日子--6
找妹下班一起逛bergdorf 开始打折了Re: 在 NY应 该 用 什 么 交 通 工 具 ?[旅游]
选票差距拉得有点距离了[转载] 记忆碎片--纽约行(4)
so now bo2 xi1 lai2's wife is arrested?Re: NYC 游计划及park问题
话题: survivor话题: avenue话题: msg话题: saturday