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NewYork版 - congestion in White stone bridge last night
From westchester to GWB/NYC我的逼肉真肥
Skype offering free Wi-Fi throughout New York City on New Year's EveRe: 谁去过庄严寺?
2月20日总统日NYC有多少单位放假?Re: 哪位大虾给指条道?
过敏 夜里鼻子堵睡不着 怎么办Re: 长岛的路啊~~
on 2 train纽约,一个秋天的故事
坚定的觉得两片薄嘴唇比两片厚嘴唇性感周六晚上从NJ turnpike去JFK的路堵吗?
when night comes (转载)--jf, that's the song or whatever给男朋友买礼物,找在纽约的mm星期五一起shopping~~
is this really makeup free?风水差?治安坏? 纽约华裔离奇胸部中一枪毙命
话题: white话题: bridge话题: stone话题: last话题: long
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 28
Last night, I returned from Flushing Chinatown. But the white stone bridge c
losed two lanes because of construction. The queue moved less than 100 m aft
er 1 hour. My car was running out of gas, but I was still miles away from th
e bridge. I would die there if I keep waiting. So I decided to get away from
the queue.
I took Long Island Parkway. I have a feeling that the Long Island Parkway co
nnects I-295. I never drive on I-295, Try of die? I had to try.. Then I took
LIP, I found a gas station,
1 (共1页)
风水差?治安坏? 纽约华裔离奇胸部中一枪毙命on 2 train
布鲁克林d train沿线都有哪些中国超市坚定的觉得两片薄嘴唇比两片厚嘴唇性感
brooklyn 有啥好的中餐馆么when night comes (转载)--jf, that's the song or whatever
明天有人想去庄严寺么?is this really makeup free?
From westchester to GWB/NYC我的逼肉真肥
Skype offering free Wi-Fi throughout New York City on New Year's EveRe: 谁去过庄严寺?
2月20日总统日NYC有多少单位放假?Re: 哪位大虾给指条道?
过敏 夜里鼻子堵睡不着 怎么办Re: 长岛的路啊~~
话题: white话题: bridge话题: stone话题: last话题: long