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NewMexico版 - 脸书的新数据中心要建在新墨西哥?
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发帖数: 13640
Facebook’s New Data Center In New Mexico Or Utah, Filings Show
07/09/16 AT 8:18 AM
New Mexico is under consideration by social media giant Facebook as a
location for its new data center, according to filings with state regulators
at the Public Regulation Commission Friday.
The documents filed by the Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM) —
also the state’s largest electric provider — state that PNM was approached
by Facebook about a proposed data center in the state. Utah is the other
state in contention for the center.
Facebook “is also considering locating its new facility in another state
and has informed PNM that the state which is best able to meet its
requirement will be the state chosen by the Customer for building its new
data center,” Thomas J. Wander, utility senior project manager, said in an
accompanying letter, according to local daily Albuquerque Journal.
New Mexico is under consideration by social media giant Facebook as a
location for its new data center, according to filings with state regulators
at the Public Regulation Commission Friday.
The documents filed by the Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM) —
also the state’s largest electric provider — state that PNM was approached
by Facebook about a proposed data center in the state. Utah is the other
state in contention for the center.
Facebook “is also considering locating its new facility in another state
and has informed PNM that the state which is best able to meet its
requirement will be the state chosen by the Customer for building its new
data center,” Thomas J. Wander, utility senior project manager, said in an
accompanying letter, according to local daily Albuquerque Journal.
facebook data center
Joel Kjellgren, Data Center Manager walks in one of the server rooms at a
new Facebook Data Center in Lulea, Swedish Lapland, Nov. 7, 2013.
A spokeswoman for PNM Resources said a hearing would have to be held for
matters to move forward. Approval is being sought by Aug. 31, the Associated
Press reported.
As Facebook wants to fulfill its energy requirement for the center from
renewable resources, PNM is seeking an expedited approval process for
recovering the costs associated with providing the electricity from Facebook
, AP reported.
The Albuquerque Journal reported that the Los Lunas Village Council late
last month approved up to $30 billion in industrial revenue bonds for a data
center — described as a “large, publicly traded, multi-national internet
company,” without specifying the name.
“It’s big news,” the Journal reported Mariel Nanasi, executive director
of New Energy Economy, which has opposed many of PNM’s proposals, as saying
. “Finally, green energy may actual be coming to the state in a real way.”
None of the parties involved were reportedly available for comment.
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[通知] NewMexico 举办博彩:2011年New Mexico Bowl博彩太妒忌住albuquerque的哥们了
话题: new话题: facebook话题: pnm话题: center话题: state