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NewJersey版 - DOE. dept of evil
Re: 求Ride (From Indianapolis to New York City (转载)请问北泽西的儿童心理医生
CVS photo dept一般开到几点?anyone lives in Leonia, does it require license to do the Renovation ?
买旧车 - Honda Accord LX 2选1- 大家帮忙把把关,谢谢 (转载)Does anyone know part-time nanny
忍无可忍了……我的包子呢?!BBQ PARTY的汇总地图来了
From West Windsor police dept...Does Costco open normally in this Easter long week end?
请教注册s-corp? (转载)这个头牌有点意思。。。 (转载)
出租屋碰到钓鱼执法? (转载)Does anyone have a brand new x230 for sale?
美东的蔬菜是不是比较不新鲜?Does NJ have free career related training classes for those out of job?
话题: ap话题: doe话题: dept话题: what话题: evil
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4451
More frontal assault from the educational racial camp
发帖数: 463
That's statistical analysis for the wrong reason.
Of course there will be high schools that can not afford to get AP courses,
what are they going to have AP calculus in a town where population is 1000?
If we do have AP courses in all high schools, then who's going to pay for it?
We need to file a lawsuit that there's gender inequality in school since
majority of the suspended students are male.
What I really want to see is what is the success rate of minority including
hispanic and blacks in the wealthy districts. I bet that these kids are
doing just as well as their white and asian counterparts.
1 (共1页)
Does NJ have free career related training classes for those out of job?From West Windsor police dept...
怎么查学区?请教注册s-corp? (转载)
谁能推荐一个熟悉Ridgewood的realtor?出租屋碰到钓鱼执法? (转载)
how much does 'living will' cost in NJ?美东的蔬菜是不是比较不新鲜?
Re: 求Ride (From Indianapolis to New York City (转载)请问北泽西的儿童心理医生
CVS photo dept一般开到几点?anyone lives in Leonia, does it require license to do the Renovation ?
买旧车 - Honda Accord LX 2选1- 大家帮忙把把关,谢谢 (转载)Does anyone know part-time nanny
忍无可忍了……我的包子呢?!BBQ PARTY的汇总地图来了
话题: ap话题: doe话题: dept话题: what话题: evil