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NewJersey版 - 美国记者才是北大黑清华黑
事情是这样的(转载)from NY Times OPINIONS
美国华裔涉用铊毒杀夫案聆讯 被指丈夫住院仍喂毒 ZZ (转载)研究了一下 -- 北大女毒杀清华事件男女主人公照片 (转载)
Monroe woman pleads not guilty to fatally poisoning husbandRe: 又一个悲剧.北大女毒杀清华老公(zz) (转载)
涉嫌以铊毒死丈夫的李女今日首次开庭露面wang xiaoye
Why Tianle Li and Xiaoye Wang Bought house in Princeton whi (转载)li tianle案子的法官貌似很难过啊(有图有真相)
话题: thallium话题: li话题: ling话题: her话题: university
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4475
朱令成了北大, 李成了清华。
MONROE — In April 1995, two college undergraduates in China posted a
message on the internet:
"Hi. This is Peking University … A young 21-year old student has become
very sick and is dying … Doctors at the best hospitals in Beijing cannot
cure her … So now we are asking the world — can somebody help us?"
Their friend, Zhu Ling, a chemistry student, was suffering stomach pain
and hair loss and was slowly becoming immobilized. The paralysis had
spread up into her diaphragm and was now preventing her from breathing.
If the cause wasn’t found soon, she would probably die.
More than 2,000 people around the world heeded the call for help, and a
graduate student and professor in the department of radiological
sciences at UCLA reviewed the replies and came up with an answer:
thallium poisoning.
Ling’s doctors tested their patient, confirmed the diagnosis and
administered the only known antidote, Prussian blue, according to
international news accounts. Ling survived, but was left with permanent
neurological damage and severe cognitive deficits.
The case was widely publicized in China. Police questioned one of Ling’s
roommates, but no one was ever charged.
That same year, Tianle Li, who today sits in a North Brunswick jail
charged with fatally poisoning her husband, graduated with a degree in
chemistry from Tshingua University, which is in the same Beijing
neighborhood as Peking University.
It is impossible to know if Li knew about the Ling case, but a nurse at
University Medical Center in Princeton remembered it last month,
according to Steven Marcus, medical and executive director of New Jersey
Poison Control.
Although authorities have refused to release the name of the nurse, it
was she who suggested testing Li’s then-critically ill husband for
thallium poisoning. The results were positive, but the rush to save
Xiaoye Wang’s life ultimately proved futile.
Middlesex County Assistant Prosecutor Nicholas Sewitch confirmed last
week that Wang was given a "lethal, massive" amount of thallium.
Sprinkled on food or dissolved in liquid, thallium has been called the
"poisoner’s poison" and "inheritance powder." It’s been dusted on
doughnuts, cakes and protein shakes; dissolved in bottles of cola and
beer; poured into cups of tea and glasses of vodka; and found in
saltshakers, candy canes and boxes of chocolate.
Thallium is a rare, nondescript heavy metal, and it is what prosecutors
say Bristol-Myers Squibb chemist Li allegedly used to kill her husband.
Li, who has a 2-year-old son by Wang, remains in jail in lieu of $4.15
million bail. Her attorney, Steven Altman, says he plans to file motions
Monday for two hearings.
"The bail is extremely excessive," he said. "She wants her child. She
has no reason to leave or go anywhere."
The other hearing is for probable cause, to force the prosecutor’s
office to "show information that (she) poisoned her husband or have the
judge order her released."
While unusual as a murder weapon, thallium has been the tool of choice
for everyone from spiteful spouses to heads of state seeking to punish
political opponents.
Amnesty International and investigators from the World Health
Organization say that thallium was used under Iraqi despot Saddam
Hussein to kill hundreds of dissidents.
In 1981, Shawkat Akrawi, an industrial chemist in Iraq, made a
surreptitious phone call from a Baghdad hospital to a reporter at New
Scientist magazine in Great Britain. He spoke in Kurdish, according to
an article the magazine published a short time later:
"The accident they arranged didn’t kill me," Akrawi told the reporter,
"so they gave me thallium in the hospital where I am being treated."
Akrawi told the writer, "Say goodbye to everybody." Then the line went
1 (共1页)
这个是不是xiaoye wangWhy Tianle Li and Xiaoye Wang Bought house in Princeton whi (转载)
北大化学系90-91级在new jersey出了不少名人被定为刑事案件的人不是警察,是医生
Xiaoye Wang's photos有关“铊杀”案最新发展
事情是这样的(转载)from NY Times OPINIONS
美国华裔涉用铊毒杀夫案聆讯 被指丈夫住院仍喂毒 ZZ (转载)研究了一下 -- 北大女毒杀清华事件男女主人公照片 (转载)
Monroe woman pleads not guilty to fatally poisoning husbandRe: 又一个悲剧.北大女毒杀清华老公(zz) (转载)
涉嫌以铊毒死丈夫的李女今日首次开庭露面wang xiaoye
话题: thallium话题: li话题: ling话题: her话题: university