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NanoST版 - Postdoctoral position opening at Georgia Tech (January 2016)
在金属导电基底上直接生长半导体纳米结构Opening Positions in Photonics and Optical Metamaterials
Postdoctoral position at Optoelectronic Common laboratory in National Chung Hsing University, TaiwanPhD positions@Univ. Texas, Austin, 2014 Fall
求教SUNY-ALBANY College of Nanoscaled Sci&Eng怎么样?探讨一下负的自由能调控nanocrystal生长
Openings in Nanophotonics, Plasmonics and Optical Metamaterials我看过的合成尺径最小(2nm)ZnO纳米棒的报道
Research Positions in Plasmonics and Optical Metamaterials偶觉得这样数牛人没啥意思
上海微系统所 传感技术联合国家重点实验室高级人才招聘启事Carbon nanotube guru, pls come in
PhD student positions at Purdue如何得到Gibbs free energy of Zn(g)+H2O(g)->ZnO(g)+H2(g) 在大约1000 摄氏度左右? 谢谢
Opening Positions in Photonics, Plasmonics and Optical Metamaterials解读 Nature Nanotechnology 单壁碳管荧光生物传感器
话题: tech话题: georgia话题: piezo
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 39
Professor Zhong Lin Wang’s group at Georgia Tech has a postdoctoral opening
in the field of piezotronics and piezo-phototroncis. Due to the
polarization of ions in a crystal that has non-central symmetry in materials
such as the wurtzite structured ZnO, GaN and InN, a piezoelectric potential
(piezopotential) is created in the crystal by applying a stress. Owing to
the simultaneous possession of piezoelectricity and semiconductor properties
, the piezopotential created in the crystal has a strong effect on the
carrier transport at the interface/junction. Piezotronics is about the
devices fabricated using the piezopotential as a “gate” voltage to tune/
control charge carrier transport at a contact or junction. Piezo-phototronic
effect is to use the piezopotential to control the carrier generation,
transport, separation and/or recombination for improving the performance of
optoelectronic devices, such as photon detector, solar cell and LED. By
integrating piezotronic and piezo-phototronic devices with silicon based
CMOS technology, unique applications can be found in areas such as human-
machine interfacing, sensing and actuating in nanorobotics, smart and
personalized electronic signatures, smart MEMS/NEMS, nanorobotics and energy
The postdoctoral fellow is expected to have a PhD degree in electric
engineering, physics or materials science, but must have a solid record in
electronic and photonic devices, nano-scale fabrications and measurements.
The interested parties can send CV, a statement of research and 3 letters of
references to: [email protected]
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解读 Nature Nanotechnology 单壁碳管荧光生物传感器Research Positions in Plasmonics and Optical Metamaterials
呼唤其他nano大牛上海微系统所 传感技术联合国家重点实验室高级人才招聘启事
如何引出ZnO NWs内因压电效应而来的电信号PhD student positions at Purdue
求推荐溶液过程制备ZnO纳米线的文章Opening Positions in Photonics, Plasmonics and Optical Metamaterials
在金属导电基底上直接生长半导体纳米结构Opening Positions in Photonics and Optical Metamaterials
Postdoctoral position at Optoelectronic Common laboratory in National Chung Hsing University, TaiwanPhD positions@Univ. Texas, Austin, 2014 Fall
求教SUNY-ALBANY College of Nanoscaled Sci&Eng怎么样?探讨一下负的自由能调控nanocrystal生长
Openings in Nanophotonics, Plasmonics and Optical Metamaterials我看过的合成尺径最小(2nm)ZnO纳米棒的报道
话题: tech话题: georgia话题: piezo