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NanoST版 - Postdoc position opening in nanomedicine (转载)
Research assistant position (转载)Paper Help:
Nanoparticle development scientist又一个棒子造假被抓:这回是咱纳米界的
tumor imaging/therapy by nanoparticles 前景Paper help (Nanomedicine), thanks.
做nanomedicine/drug delivery的能在工业界找什么样的工作文献求助: Nanomedicine
请教 APTES 与 silica nanoparticles 反应文献求助:Nanomedicine, Expert Opionin in Biotechnology
包子问大牛们quantum dot bioconjugation问题Postdoc position available--nanomedicine
真心求polymer纳米领域审稿机会better way to conquer cancer (转载)
求paper!!!A postdoctoral position available
话题: position话题: postdoc话题: unr
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 662
【 以下文字转载自 Chemistry 讨论区 】
发信人: nantsing (猛龙过江), 信区: Chemistry
标 题: Postdoc position opening in nanomedicine
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Sep 9 02:09:17 2012, 美东)
The biomedical engineering program at the University of Nevada Reno (UNR)
offers a postdoc position starting in the fall of 2012. The job for this
position is to investigate the synthesis and characterization of composite
nanoparticles and their applications in neurological disease diagnosis and
therapy, while collaborating with the school of medicine at UNR and the
center for molecular and genomic imaging at the University of California at
Davis. This position is supported by a NIH project.
The applicants are expected to: (1) have background or experience in
preparing fluorescent nanoparticles with infrared emission and/or core-shell
nanoparticles; (2) have background on surface chemistry or bioconjugation
chemistry; and (3) have strong analytical skills, critical thinking, and
research motivation.
If interested, please submit your CV with the names and contact information
of three references to Dr. Sean Zhu (x**[email protected]).
1 (共1页)
A postdoctoral position available请教 APTES 与 silica nanoparticles 反应
求nanomedicine,drug delivery方面的审稿包子问大牛们quantum dot bioconjugation问题
monodispersed Ag nanoparticle synthesis真心求polymer纳米领域审稿机会
Synthesis of Nitric Oxide-Releasing Silica Nanoparticles求paper!!!
Research assistant position (转载)Paper Help:
Nanoparticle development scientist又一个棒子造假被抓:这回是咱纳米界的
tumor imaging/therapy by nanoparticles 前景Paper help (Nanomedicine), thanks.
做nanomedicine/drug delivery的能在工业界找什么样的工作文献求助: Nanomedicine
话题: position话题: postdoc话题: unr