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NCAA版 - OSU plays good football
OSU 的江湖地位随着赛季的展开,跌荡起伏No rumor: OSU still being investigated, TP not eligible
反对Playoff SystemPotential ugly week for Pac-10
但丁啊但丁nebraska still hasn't played anyone yet
终于明白了为什么这些年Tressel的战绩那么好不一样的Maurice Clarett
我真是服了某些扇子 说OSU recruit的进来看说说大家最想看的bcs比赛吧
OSU 2002年的全国冠军会被剥夺么?萨班会不会把college football 给毁了?
听说TP是Academic All Big TenNUMBERS Re: OSU plays good football
话题: osu话题: football话题: plays话题: games话题: good
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 53
I think they are very much like the Patriots - very good defense, opportunitic
offense, rarely make mistakes, win a lot of close games, got some favorable
and critical calls, both upset the heavily favorites in championship games
Having said that, however, OSU football is very boring and ugly to watch, have
zero to none entertainment value to any non-OSU football fans. They don't have
many talented skill players that really impress you.
OSU plays some good football, but not exciting football. It
发帖数: 1275
i don't quite agree with you. true 90% of the OSU game is boring, but enter
bottom half of 4th qtr, not many games offer the same level of excitement
because most other games have already entered garbage time. and i like
watching OTs because each team starts from 25 yard line, then it's a lot
easier to score.. the entertainment value goes up.
last year's OSU is not too much different from this year's OSU (except clarett)
and the fiesta bowl is already an almost unanimous classic. (the 4th qtr

【在 j********d 的大作中提到】
: I think they are very much like the Patriots - very good defense, opportunitic
: offense, rarely make mistakes, win a lot of close games, got some favorable
: and critical calls, both upset the heavily favorites in championship games
: Having said that, however, OSU football is very boring and ugly to watch, have
: zero to none entertainment value to any non-OSU football fans. They don't have
: many talented skill players that really impress you.
: OSU plays some good football, but not exciting football. It

1 (共1页)
NUMBERS Re: OSU plays good football终于明白了为什么这些年Tressel的战绩那么好
我常去看的一些有关Umich football的网站我真是服了某些扇子 说OSU recruit的进来看
我一直觉得Big 10就是个JOKE!OSU 2002年的全国冠军会被剥夺么?
最后一贴:我没必要腆着脸总来这儿灌水听说TP是Academic All Big Ten
OSU 的江湖地位随着赛季的展开,跌荡起伏No rumor: OSU still being investigated, TP not eligible
反对Playoff SystemPotential ugly week for Pac-10
但丁啊但丁nebraska still hasn't played anyone yet
话题: osu话题: football话题: plays话题: games话题: good