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Movie版 - Rocco's speech with the Saints (转载)
悼念罗宾威廉姆斯Justice is dead
[转载] Movie: Saints and Soldiers【出售】大面值 Macys and JCP GC
说说周末看的几个片子【出售】大面值 Macys and JCP GC
The Boondock Saints 不错被女朋友了。
周末观影流水账 2010-04-11Weekend is coming~~ Precaution for our team~~~
Rocco's speech with the Saints (转载)真的没什么看的了么
Rocco's speech with the Saints (转载)中国剩女满地是,猥琐男们不要急
Rocco's speech with the Saints【$】$5 for 24pc FOIL leftovers food containers, Thanksgiving design
话题: saints话题: rocco话题: don话题: do话题: speech
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 11968
【 以下文字转载自 LizLemon 俱乐部 】
发信人: talkdirty (做爱不成仁义在), 信区: LizLemon
标 题: Rocco's speech with the Saints
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Mar 30 00:47:42 2010, 美东)
"I am so sick of all of this self help, twelve step, leftover hippie
generation bullshit!"
"Now they don't want you to do anything, right? Just sit there. Don't drink.
"Don't smoke. Don't drive fast. "
"Kiss my ass! "
"Fuck it! Do it all I say! Do you think Duke Wayne spent all of his time
talking about his feelings with a fuckin' therapist? "
发帖数: 1504
the first is good.
the second one all saints is pure crap


【在 t*******y 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 LizLemon 俱乐部 】
: 发信人: talkdirty (做爱不成仁义在), 信区: LizLemon
: 标 题: Rocco's speech with the Saints
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Mar 30 00:47:42 2010, 美东)
: "I am so sick of all of this self help, twelve step, leftover hippie
: generation bullshit!"
: "Now they don't want you to do anything, right? Just sit there. Don't drink.
: "
: "Don't smoke. Don't drive fast. "
: "Kiss my ass! "

1 (共1页)
【$】$5 for 24pc FOIL leftovers food containers, Thanksgiving design周末观影流水账 2010-04-11
SAINT 气势上来了Rocco's speech with the Saints (转载)
其实关键是colts的ORocco's speech with the Saints (转载)
那个INT几乎是必然Rocco's speech with the Saints
悼念罗宾威廉姆斯Justice is dead
[转载] Movie: Saints and Soldiers【出售】大面值 Macys and JCP GC
说说周末看的几个片子【出售】大面值 Macys and JCP GC
The Boondock Saints 不错被女朋友了。
话题: saints话题: rocco话题: don话题: do话题: speech