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Money版 - 推迟交医疗费用会影响信用积分吗?
看看这个:Credit Score Formula ChangesFICO Score 模拟变化表
FICO 08 新标准,今天开始求助!!!!讨债公司~怎么办!!!
关卡的问题 有包子申请个paypal误点了首页申请bill me later,结果还没通过
求助, credit report 上有一个unpaid debt collection, 怎么消除?忘了付一个$230的医院的bill,三,四个月后收到collector的信
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话题: jeniquia话题: medical话题: fico话题: credit话题: debt
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 201
发帖数: 8428
只要没送到collection company应该没事

【在 w****l 的大作中提到】
: 最近有几笔医疗费用到期,延迟交会影响信用积分吗?
发帖数: 201
发帖数: 3374
发帖数: 2609
I don't think so at all. Any debt now matter who is the lender, hospital,
utility company, or whoever, will become delinquent record and as a result,
hurt your credit score significantly.
Try to negotiate with the hospital now or at least ask them to extend the
due date.

【在 m**2 的大作中提到】
: 欠医疗费对信用的影响比其它的Debt小。
发帖数: 3374
Medical Debts Will Soon Weigh Less On Your Credit Score, But They're Still A
Seeing a doctor should make you healthier. But what happens when the bill
comes? If you are like one-third of Americans, you struggle to pay your
medical bills.
The number one cause of personal bankruptcy has less to do with spendthrift
habits and a great deal more to do with bad luck when it comes to your
health: medical bills are the leading reason that Americans file for
When patients can’t pay their bills, their credit scores suffer. This
affects their ability to get credit in other parts of their lives.
Over 64 million consumers have a medical collection on their credit report,
according to the credit bureau Experian . A recent change in the way credit
scores are calculated could offer better financial options to millions.
How a single visit to the ER can derail your long-term financial goals
I recently met 21-year-old Jeniquia, a San Francisco woman studying to
become a veterinarian. I hired Jeniquia to take me to work via peer-to-peer
car service Lyft. She explained to me that she nearly didn’t get the car
she now uses for her livelihood because of an unpaid $300 medical bill.
“It struck me when I went to buy a car. The dealership said I needed a
cosigner,” Jeniquia told me. “I also got denied for a bunch of credit
cards.” Concerned, she traced back her troubles to a trip she took the
previous year to visit her mother in Utah, where she went to the emergency
room for a bad sunburn.
Luckily, Jeniquia’s mother had the credit to co-sign on Jeniquia’s car
lease. Without that help, Jeniquia would be without her job as a driver and
thus without any financial means to pursue her education.
FICO scores set to rise for those with unpaid medical bills
Earlier this month, Fair Isaac Corp. (FICO) – the country’s most widely
used credit score – announced plans to reduce the impact of medical debt on
its credit-scoring model. This is great news for consumers.
The changes to FICO scoring will help millions, raising scores an average of
25 points for people who have medical debt but otherwise good history of
paying bills. Because Jeniquia ultimately paid in full her $300 ER bill
after it went to collections, she’ll find that her new FICO score will no
longer be affected by that debt. Past paid medical debts do not factor into
the new scores. Unpaid debts will weigh less.
“Many consumers have medical debt, and we’ve found that this does not
necessarily indicate an unlikeliness to repay other debts,” Anthony Sprauve
, FICO’s director of public relations, told NerdWallet. “Giving less
weight to unpaid medical bills in collection — which, by the way, are more
than 50% of all unpaid collection debt — is a way to possibly increase the
chances of someone who is otherwise a good credit risk getting a loan.”
This means that FICO scores will distinguish between medical and non-medical
debt, suggesting the credit world is taking steps to recognize a $300
emergency room bill after a bad day in the sun is different than chronic
overspending on a credit card.
High health care costs are causing American families to go broke
Although consumers like Jeniquia stand to benefit from FICO’s new scoring
model, skyrocketing health care costs are still hitting millions of
Americans with crippling debt. According to a recent Commonwealth Fund
report, 28 million American adults burned through their savings to pay off
medical expense in the last two years.
Unfortunately, health insurance is no panacea. Last year 10 million insured
Americans struggled to pay bills, according to our research at NerdWallet.
With high deductible plans on the rise, that number may continue to increase
. The maximum out-of-pocket charge for Affordable Care Act plans sold
through the government marketplace was set at $6,350 for 2014. That’s on
top of monthly insurance premiums. I bet that doesn’t feel “affordable”
to too many people.


【在 m*****a 的大作中提到】
: I don't think so at all. Any debt now matter who is the lender, hospital,
: utility company, or whoever, will become delinquent record and as a result,
: hurt your credit score significantly.
: Try to negotiate with the hospital now or at least ask them to extend the
: due date.

1 (共1页)
10 tips on managing your credit cards (CC)请问租房ontime pay怎么增加credit
giving assistant就是被本版搞破产的信用降了30点
你们明年的医疗保险有没有涨很多?Changes coming to FICO
Re: 有关Debt Management_ Credit Card interest charge reduce一问!信用分数720是不是买房拿不到最低利率
看看这个:Credit Score Formula ChangesFICO Score 模拟变化表
FICO 08 新标准,今天开始求助!!!!讨债公司~怎么办!!!
关卡的问题 有包子申请个paypal误点了首页申请bill me later,结果还没通过
求助, credit report 上有一个unpaid debt collection, 怎么消除?忘了付一个$230的医院的bill,三,四个月后收到collector的信
话题: jeniquia话题: medical话题: fico话题: credit话题: debt