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Missouri版 - 发首我自己最喜欢的歌吧
谁去过Branson?10/2 中国杂技团在SD的演出
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United matches AA's fee for 1st checked bagBoeing has negative book value
zz 许家印请推荐Princeton附近的LBS?Trek 1.2入手吗?
回家X天讲讲情况【$】Urban Decay Book of Shadows IV $44 - Today Only!
“光鲜的背后痛苦“ 读后感【$】Dollhouse, A Girls' Dazzling Dream - Sale $39.99 Original $119.99 - www.jcpenney.com
初级班:忽悠 mm 的第一课国内英语从来不教这几个单词
话题: world话题: whole话题: new话题: 全新话题: 世界
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3500
DISNEY 电影 阿拉丁的主题曲
A whole new world
I can show you the world 我带你去看那个世界
Shining, shimmering, splendid 金碧辉煌
Tell me, princess, now when did 告诉我,我的公主
You last let your heart decide? 上次你是什么时候用内心来决定
I can open your eyes 我来开拓你的眼界
Take you wonder by wonder 带你到达无数奇迹
Over, sideways and under 就在我们四周左右
On a magic carpet ride 乘坐魔法飞毯吧
A whole new world 一个全新世界
A new fantastic point of view 一个全新美妙的视野
No one to tell us no 在这里没人告诉我们不可以
Or where to go 在这里没人告诉我们应该做什么
say we're only dreaming 在这里没人告诉我们只是在做梦
A whole new world 一个全新世界
A dazzling place I never knew 一个我之前从未见过的美好世界
But when I'm way up here 当我们抵达这里
It's crystal clear 如水晶般剔透
That now I'm in a whole new world with you 就是现在我们在新世界
Now I'm in a whole new world with you 我和你在一个全新天地
Unbelievable sights 难以置信的景色
Indescribable feeling 难以描述的感觉
Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling 飞翔、翻转和滑行
Through an endless diamond sky 穿越在无止境的晴空
A whole new world 一个全新世界
Don't you dare close your eyes 不要害怕而闭上眼睛
A hundred thousand things to see 万千的新事物等你去看
Hold your breath - it gets better 屏住呼吸, 感觉会变得更妙
I'm like a shooting star 我像那流星
I've come so far 历经万里而来
I can't go back to where I used to be 我再也不想回到旧世界里了
A whole new world 一个全新世界
Every turn a surprise 每次都有惊喜
With new horizons to pursue 可以有无数新的前景来追求
Every moment red-letter 好运气每时每刻
I'll chase them anywhere 追逐那无限惊喜和崭新前景
There's time to spare 让我们来分享吧
Let me share this whole new world with you 让我们来分享这个全新世界
A whole new world 一个全新世界
That's where we'll be 属于我们的
A thrilling chase 令人激动的追求
A wondrous place 奇迹发生的地方
For you and me 属于我和你
发帖数: 70
1 (共1页)
[转载] 好消息阿。。。“光鲜的背后痛苦“ 读后感
看到Tom Lee对大盘的观点初级班:忽悠 mm 的第一课
Best of New york新世界
谁去过Branson?10/2 中国杂技团在SD的演出
Letter from the Family of LU Lingzi (转载)Hong Kong markets tumble more than 2% as tensions soar
United matches AA's fee for 1st checked bagBoeing has negative book value
zz 许家印请推荐Princeton附近的LBS?Trek 1.2入手吗?
话题: world话题: whole话题: new话题: 全新话题: 世界