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Missouri版 - “失而复得的Step2 CS考试(by Xiaoyuhu)”讲座笔记 (转载)
征求意见:被误解的85后女生群体(NYC) (转载)“失而复得的Step2 CS考试(by Xiaoyuhu)”讲座笔记
胖哥我的考版之路-Step2 CS 考经 (pass) 7/2016
和老公、公婆、父母全都闹翻,处在离婚边缘 (Update) (转载)CS 考试的套路----开场白
老帖:真相揭秘--485事件回放 (转载)Step 2 考经(Newman): 3. 新鲜CS Atlanta 经历
韩德强 : 我为什么打这个汉奸? (转载)魔鬼藏在细节里-ask me anything about step2 CS exam
征服老婆“秘籍” 真服!(转) (转载)口语超烂的人的一点CS经验,仅供参考
18+刚从北京回来,此行差点儿被一女网友QJ (转载)8月cs过,简短考经,推荐goldusmlereview
话题: 病人话题: 笔记话题: cs话题: xiaoyuhu话题: cases
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10208
【 以下文字转载自 MedicalCareer 讨论区 】
发信人: xjf (xjf), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: “失而复得的Step2 CS考试(by Xiaoyuhu)”讲座笔记
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Apr 5 20:41:39 2016, 美东)
复习资料 FA, 包括两部分: minicase and full length cases.

CS考试分三部分:ICE(不在场的医生觉得你病历写的行不行), CIS (标准病人觉得
你扮演医生的感觉好不好) and SEP(标准病人觉得你英语利落不). ICE, time
management 非常重要, 一定要完整。 问诊要有structure. 12 cases: 妇科 1-2
cases; 儿科:1case. Physical exam: 占评分比例最少。不要贪多, 要focus. CIS
: 1 strong opening. 敲门,微笑(灿烂地), 握手(同时介绍自己), 进门前
记住病人名字。2 closure. 看着病人的眼睛,告诉病人诊断, 还要进行什么检查,
要坐着讲, not in a rush.  最后 Any questions or concerns? 3 express
empathy. 标准句式换着说,概括为“你我他”:you must be worried; I can see
you are in pain; I am sorry to hear that; It must be a difficult time for
you. 开始和结束都要握手。笔记尽量少做 (例如:时间多长? 2 weeks, etc. Use
key words), more eye contact.
Trauma cases: 一车祸, 病人喋喋不休的说车。Do not power through, and show
your empathy. 你要说:It must be a terrible experience for you. 病人手里拿个
东西;一张纸:can I take a look? 有没有咳血。 一本书: what are you reading
At least 3 open ending questions: 1. How can I help you? 2. Review; anything
else going on? 3. Prior to physical exam: anything else do you want to
share with me? (If you missed something, a nice standard patient will tell
you) Address patient comfort: 1. are you comfortable in this room? 2. PE:
minimal body exposure, use the drape properly. 3. hearing loss, which side
4. Emotion: in 12 std patients, 2-3 difficult patients, you say : is there
anything you want to share with me? Are you concerned about anything? 5.
consulting: smoking, drink, drug, unsafe sex.
这是我的笔记,仅供参考。Xiaoyuhu 讲得很好, 但我记得不全。
1 (共1页)
8月cs过,简短考经,推荐goldusmlereview韩德强 : 我为什么打这个汉奸? (转载)
[合集] CS考经在回纽约的飞机上
CS passed (一月初,亚特兰大)征服老婆“秘籍” 真服!(转) (转载)
二月LA CS考经18+刚从北京回来,此行差点儿被一女网友QJ (转载)
征求意见:被误解的85后女生群体(NYC) (转载)“失而复得的Step2 CS考试(by Xiaoyuhu)”讲座笔记
胖哥我的考版之路-Step2 CS 考经 (pass) 7/2016
和老公、公婆、父母全都闹翻,处在离婚边缘 (Update) (转载)CS 考试的套路----开场白
老帖:真相揭秘--485事件回放 (转载)Step 2 考经(Newman): 3. 新鲜CS Atlanta 经历
话题: 病人话题: 笔记话题: cs话题: xiaoyuhu话题: cases