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Missouri版 - zz 79 teen prostitutes taken off the streets in nationwide crackdown
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话题: fbi话题: crackdown话题: national
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10208
A three-day sweep by police agencies across the country has led to the
removal of 79 teenagers from a life of prostitution and the arrest of more
than a hundred pimps, the FBI reported on Tuesday.
Hundreds of FBI agents and thousands of state and local law-enforcement
officers targeted the Internet as well as such places as truck stops,
casinos and "tracks" where prostitutes are known to walk the street in the
The teenagers -- 77 girls and two boys -- ranged in age from 13 to 17. They
are being held in custody until they could be placed with child welfare
organizations, Reuters reported.
The FBI said 104 suspected pimps were arrested during sting operations in 57
U.S. cities including Atlanta, Sacramento, and Toledo, Ohio.
It was the sixth nationwide sweep -- called Operation Cross Country --
organized as part of the FBI’s Innocence Lost National Initiative to
address the growing problem of child sex trafficking in the United States.
Information gleaned from those arrested often uncovers organized
prostitution rings, the FBI said.
"It is clear that child prostitution and sex trafficking do not just occur
somewhere else on the other side of the world," Ernie Allen, president of
the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, a partner in the
effort, said in a news release. "These insidious crimes are occurring in
American cities and the victims are American kids."
1 (共1页)
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We're Number One!Mao's Last Dancer - Interview with Chi Cao
Re: 我已报案,请删除所有所谓飞哥的帖,勿再在版上泄露我个人 (转载)休斯顿两名中国女留学生卖淫遭警察逮捕 (转载)
外F女的婚姻幸福吗?--看名人外F女的婚姻结局 (转载)今天外面好多警车阿~!
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Unicorn and prostitute bubble那个林超的照片,希望大家以后看清楚这个人,不要和他有任何交(转载)
话题: fbi话题: crackdown话题: national