

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Missouri版 - 我已报案,请删除所有所谓飞哥的帖,勿再在版上泄露我个人信息(转载)
号码出来了, 不知道丫头中了没有爆料!鹊桥有个比飞哥更牛的男id (转载)
飞哥写给女生的交友信,看了让人发指啊 (转载)飞哥NB啊,鞭策美西 (转载)
买卖提优秀博士论文欣赏 *鲤鱼和飞哥的比较和分析*Re: 今晚七点,南加大将举行哀悼活动。请大家到场支持。 (转载)
给飞哥 (转载)IED 不愧是纽约的飞哥、鲤鱼,上过的女人有三位数,纽约很多男(转载)
爆料!鹊桥有个比飞哥更牛的男id (转载)如果 IED 当选雀斑版主,必将是雀斑的disaster (请转 雀斑 和 b (转载)
德州飞哥。 nkfly 南开阿飞 (转载)Re: 如果 IED 当选雀斑版主,必将是雀斑的disaster (请转 雀斑 (转载)
Re: 我已报案,请删除所有所谓飞哥的帖,勿再在版上泄露我个人 (转载)亚裔男子被黑人流氓袭击从背后推入ny地下铁不幸身亡 (转载)
Re: 我已报案,请删除所有所谓飞哥的帖,勿再在版上泄露我个人 (转载)Re: 飞哥鲤鱼之流,没啥好炫耀的 (转载)
话题: your话题: report话题: been话题: online话题: program
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 483
【 以下文字转载自 NewYork 讨论区 】
发信人: minl (小明), 信区: NewYork
标 题: 我已报案,请删除所有所谓飞哥的帖,勿再在版上泄露我个人信息(转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Aug 11 22:10:46 2011, 美东)
发信人: everflying (展翅飞翔), 信区: Dreamer
标 题: 我已报案,请删除所有所谓飞哥的帖,勿再在版上泄露我个人信息,否则法庭上见
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Aug 11 21:36:23 2011, 美东)
Your Online Police Report 2011-1808896 Has Been Approved
Your online report has been approved and the permanent case number is 2011-
Please note in the attached report that sensitive information has
been replaced with *** in order to maintain privacy in emails.
Your report had been evaluated by the Detective Division and the case will
be assigned to a detective. This determination is based on the following “
Solvability Guidelines”
1) Suspect Named, known or Identified.
2) Investigative leads that can lead to an arrest.
3) Likelihood that an arrest will be made.
NOTE: If you have any questions concerning your report after it has been
file, you need to wait 10 business days, and then you can call (916) 808-
0650 and ask to speak to the detective assigned to the case.
The District Attorney’s Victim Witness Assistance Program can assist you
with any questions you may have about victim/witness services, benefit
qualifications, the court process and your rights. Program staff is
available Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm. For further information,
please contact: Victim and Witness Assistance Program, 901 G Street,
Sacramento, California 95814, (916) 874-5701.
Thank you for using our online system. Please email us with any suggestions
you may have for improving our system.
Online Officer
FBI XXX office
发帖数: 10963
1 (共1页)
Re: 飞哥鲤鱼之流,没啥好炫耀的 (转载)爆料!鹊桥有个比飞哥更牛的男id (转载)
纽约飞哥真相 (转载)德州飞哥。 nkfly 南开阿飞 (转载)
生物的faculty工资没有大家想象的低 (转载)Re: 我已报案,请删除所有所谓飞哥的帖,勿再在版上泄露我个人 (转载)
刚才被小黑抢了 (转载)Re: 我已报案,请删除所有所谓飞哥的帖,勿再在版上泄露我个人 (转载)
号码出来了, 不知道丫头中了没有爆料!鹊桥有个比飞哥更牛的男id (转载)
飞哥写给女生的交友信,看了让人发指啊 (转载)飞哥NB啊,鞭策美西 (转载)
买卖提优秀博士论文欣赏 *鲤鱼和飞哥的比较和分析*Re: 今晚七点,南加大将举行哀悼活动。请大家到场支持。 (转载)
给飞哥 (转载)IED 不愧是纽约的飞哥、鲤鱼,上过的女人有三位数,纽约很多男(转载)
话题: your话题: report话题: been话题: online话题: program