A*******d 发帖数: 1799 | 1 靠!被隔离三个周,这简直就是对我大美帝国抗疫世界第一的侮辱!
BEIJING, March 5 (Reuters) - The new U.S. ambassador to China, Nicholas
Burns, has arrived in the country and will be in quarantine for three weeks,
the U.S. embassy said in a tweet on Saturday. | W*****B 发帖数: 4796 | 2
【在 A*******d 的大作中提到】 : 靠!被隔离三个周,这简直就是对我大美帝国抗疫世界第一的侮辱! : BEIJING, March 5 (Reuters) - The new U.S. ambassador to China, Nicholas : Burns, has arrived in the country and will be in quarantine for three weeks, : the U.S. embassy said in a tweet on Saturday.
| W*****B 发帖数: 4796 | | W*****B 发帖数: 4796 | | A*******d 发帖数: 1799 | 5 这系列好!
【在 W*****B 的大作中提到】
| A*******d 发帖数: 1799 | | W*****B 发帖数: 4796 | 7
【在 A*******d 的大作中提到】 : 捅屁眼看上去痛苦,实际很受用,LOL
| I*3 发帖数: 7012 | | l******t 发帖数: 55733 | 9 属实。一点逼脸没给
[在 I23 (嘿嘿) 的大作中提到:]
:你共很不待见啊,这是给下马威 |