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Military版 - 美国媒体夸拜登对华政策,但是要拜登斩断对大大的痴情。
习近平全程陪同BidenNZ lawmaker claims Chinese security attacked him
我靠 NYT真tmd贱啊习近平同拜登会谈持续5个多小时ZT路透社
The western media remain sick and disgusting我共一口气把Bloomberg,NYTimes 的记者全部赶走ZT
NED 2009 Asia Program Highlights川普要求中共调查拜登父子。
Falun Gong practitioners, Tibetan Buddhists, and Uyghur Muslims face harassment弹劾在即,疮破向中国和乌克兰发出了求救信号!
一个AV女在CNN上就昆明恐怖袭击发表的评论China rejects Trump’s request to investigate Joe Biden, report says
取消习奥会,终止和美国国会“中美委员会”一切对话BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump thinks SNL is rigging the elect (转载)
话题: xi话题: biden话题: china话题: he话题: trump
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没错,就是痴情。 infatuation
Biden follows and improves Trump's China policy, but he needs to scrap their
shared infatuation with Xi
President Biden's first press conference last week offered both reassuring
and concerning insights regarding his administration's approach to China.
Biden did not mention the contentious meeting in Alaska where Secretary of
State Antony Blinken and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan confronted
China's top two foreign policy officials. The Americans implicitly affirmed
the Trump administration's direct pushback against Communist China's
repressive domestic governance and aggressive international behavior.
Foreign Minister Wang Yi and State Councilor Yang Jiechi had explicitly
demanded a return to the Clinton- and Obama-era policies.
Biden said after the meeting he was "proud" of Blinken's performance, and he
used the press conference to recount how he had expressed the same concerns
to Xi Jinping. He said he warned Xi that, working closer than Trump had
with allies and democratic partners (which the State Department said
included Taiwan), "we are going to hold China accountable to follow the
rules ... whether it relates to the South China Sea or the North China Sea,
or ... Taiwan, or a whole range of other things."
The president said he also gave Xi a strong human rights message:
"[A]s long as you and your country continues to so blatantly violate human
rights, we're going to continue, in an unrelenting way, to call to the
attention of the world and ... make it clear what's happening. And he
understood that. I made it clear that no American president - at least one
did - but no American president ever back down from speaking out of what's
happening to the Uyghurs, what's happening in Hong Kong, what's happening in
-country. That's who we are. The moment a president walks away from that, as
the last one did, is the moment we begin to lose our legitimacy around the
Biden contrasted Trump's performance to his own several other times, even
employing sarcasm - "God, how I miss him" - but his extensive comments on
China overshot the mark in several respects.
First, he failed to distinguish between Trump's reputed personal
indifference to the plight of the Uyghurs, Hong Kongers, Taiwanese, and
Tibetans, and the Trump administration's actual human rights record on all
those issues.
Through the use of punitive sanctions, administrative actions, scathing
official statements and speeches, and Congressional legislation that Trump
unhesitatingly signed, his administration instituted policies that went far
beyond anything done by any previous administration to combat China's malign
behavior on security, trade, and human rights. That is why Beijing made
clear its strong interest in the end of the Trump tenure and why Yang and
Wang angrily accosted Blinken and Sullivan before and during their meeting.
Biden also misspoke by conflating Xi with the Chinese people when he said, "
you and your country continues to so blatantly violate human rights." It
would be convenient to dismiss the reference as a slip of the tongue, and
that he meant "you and your Communist government" - but something else Biden
said at the press conference, and has stated on earlier occasions, suggests
that he sees the China threat as broader than the Communist government,
more societal or cultural: "I pointed out to him: No leader can be sustained
in his position or her position unless they represent the values of the
By that reasoning, given Xi's unquestionable "sustainment" in power, he must
be reflecting the national values of Chinese society. But, in a quasi-
totalitarian system like the People's Republic, unlike a democratic society,
the leaders rule not by reflecting the values of the people but by imposing
the interests of the ruling party. As Mao said, political power is won not
by the consent of the governed but by "the barrel of a gun" - or, as Biden
might put it, by the example of their power, not the power of their example.
Surely, Biden did not intend to defame the Chinese people by suggesting they
applaud what Xi's regime is doing to the Uyghurs, Tibetans, Hong Kongers,
and threatening to do to Taiwan. But, he sounds almost Trump-like in
describing Xi as "very, very straightforward. Doesn't have a democratic -
with a small 'D' - bone in his body. But he's a smart, smart guy." Both U.S.
presidents readily concede Xi's status as a world-class tyrant - during the
campaign, Biden called him "a thug." Yet, neither Biden nor Trump was able
to resist an almost awe-struck response to the very ruthless qualities that
make Xi so successful at oppressing his people and threatening the
international order. It is not unlike Henry Kissinger's fawning over mass
murderer Mao Zedong and Zhou En-lai.
Biden says, "[T]he thing that I admire about dealing with Xi is he
understands - he makes no pretense about not understanding what I'm saying
any more than I do him" - suggesting a meeting of the minds? Biden has often
touted his unparalleled personal relationship with Xi: "I've known Xi
Jinping for a long time. Allegedly, by the time I left office as Vice
President, I had spent more time with [him] than any world leader had,
because President Obama and the Chinese President Hu decided we should get
to know one another since it was inappropriate for the President of the
United States to spend time with the vice president of another country."
It turns out that was a bit of a misstatement as well. In September 2015
Obama said this in the Rose Garden: "I want to once again welcome President
Xi back to the White House. We first hosted him here three years ago when he
was Vice President. So this is our sixth meeting."
More important than the frequency and attendance at the Obama-Xi and Biden-
Xi meetings and telephone conversations is what they accomplished for China'
s relations with America and the world. Biden said that during their most
recent two-hour talk "we made several things clear to one another," and
Biden listed his own admonitions to Xi. But what did Xi make clear to Biden
- the same "no compromise, no concession" ultimatums Wang and Yang gave
Blinken and Sullivan?
Or, did Xi assuage Biden's concerns as he did Obama's when he promised not
to seize the territory of America's Philippines security ally or militarize
the South China Sea?
Or, when he assured Trump there was nothing to fear from what his own
government originally called the "Wuhan pneumonia" or "Wuhan virus" and no
need to halt air travel from China?
Trump denied he had been "duped" by Xi. Obama displayed similar credulity.
Biden needs to follow the "clear-eyed" approach he, Blinken, and Sullivan
espouse. As Blinken's predecessor Mike Pompeo put it, "Distrust, and verify."
Joseph Bosco served as China country director for the secretary of Defense
from 2005 to 2006 and as Asia-Pacific director of humanitarian assistance
and disaster relief from 2009 to 2010. He is a nonresident fellow at the
Institute for Corean-American Studies and a member of the advisory board of
the Global Taiwan Institute. Follow him on Twitter @BoscoJosephA.
发帖数: 1
美国媒体现在是认定大大是只吃人不吐骨头的笑面虎了 LOL
1 (共1页)
中国按兵不动 在静静等待美国出局NED 2009 Asia Program Highlights
快讯!美参院全体无异议通过香港人权法案Falun Gong practitioners, Tibetan Buddhists, and Uyghur Muslims face harassment
习近平全程陪同BidenNZ lawmaker claims Chinese security attacked him
我靠 NYT真tmd贱啊习近平同拜登会谈持续5个多小时ZT路透社
The western media remain sick and disgusting我共一口气把Bloomberg,NYTimes 的记者全部赶走ZT
话题: xi话题: biden话题: china话题: he话题: trump