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川普要退出WTO了Ryan: Trump can't end birthright citizenship (转载)
狼脯 is such a 卢瑟Joe Scarborough: Trump Is the Laziest President in U.S. His (转载)
国会常驻医生: 美国会有七千万到1.5亿人感染给要选TRUMP打一棍:很简单的2个点
Fed bullish on U.S. economic growth川普开始为LGBT权利而战了!版上川粉跟不跟进?
Agitated' Obama Storms Out of Debt Meeting (zt 奥巴马怒了)沃顿商学院全体师生反对Trump
看出中国将是一定是Melania Trump也出来黑Trump啦?! (转载)
美新床粉要妻离子散了,特朗普要废除非公民和非法移民美国生子女身份SS特工: 我不会为床铺总统挡子弹 (转载)
话题: trump话题: he话题: aides话题: post话题: his
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1
President Trump reportedly spent much of Wednesday "cocooned" at the White
House as his supporters stormed the Capitol, and his aides say he has become
"mentally unreachable."
While a pro-Trump mob breached the Capitol building on Wednesday, disrupting
Congress' session to certify President-elect Joe Biden as the winner of the
2020 election and leaving four people dead, Trump was "cocooned at the
White House and listening only to a small coterie of loyal aides," all while
resisting calls from advisers to condemn the rioters, The Washington Post
"He kept saying: 'The vast majority of them are peaceful,'" an
administration official told the Post. "'What about the riots this summer?
What about the other side? No one cared when they were rioting. My people
are peaceful. My people aren't thugs.' He didn't want to condemn his people."
Now, Axios reports that some of Trump's "stalwart aides and confidants" have
"given up trying to communicate with him" altogether, "considering him
mentally unreachable."
"His closest friends and paid White House officials — many of the Trumpiest
Trumpers we know — are avoiding him like the plague," Axios writes, adding
, "The president's final days in office will be lonely ones."
Although Trump did ultimately release a video on Twitter in which he called
on those rioting in the Capitol to go home, the video also again included
his false claims that the election was stolen. According to the Post, aides
had asked Trump not to include these false claims in the statement, but he
went off script and threw them in anyway. Ultimately, some aides believe
Trump "did irreparable damage to his presidency and legacy," the Post writes
, with an administration official saying, "He was a total monster today."
1 (共1页)
是不是沙特现在正好需要美国帮忙Agitated' Obama Storms Out of Debt Meeting (zt 奥巴马怒了)
川普要退出WTO了Ryan: Trump can't end birthright citizenship (转载)
狼脯 is such a 卢瑟Joe Scarborough: Trump Is the Laziest President in U.S. His (转载)
国会常驻医生: 美国会有七千万到1.5亿人感染给要选TRUMP打一棍:很简单的2个点
Fed bullish on U.S. economic growth川普开始为LGBT权利而战了!版上川粉跟不跟进?
话题: trump话题: he话题: aides话题: post话题: his