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Military版 - The Trump Way on COVID-19
COVID-19 PANIC: Masks Will Worsen the Problem鳖总在这些虚的玩意下狠功夫:SARS-CoV-2有误导性?高福等专家呼吁重命名
为现实历史,我一定要顽强地清醒地活着For Current History, I Must Stubbornly and Consciously Live警惕!浙江大学团队首次发现泪水及结膜分泌物有新冠病毒
Bernie, Please Boil Down Your Questions to A Few Key Words武毒跟流感的比较
Panic and Pandemic of COVID-19 UNFOUNDED这坛子里,大陆人,台巴子,一目了然嘛
COVID-19 PANIC: Military Temporary Hospital at Javits Center钟南山团队论文正式发表:就诊时尚未发热新冠肺炎患者近五成
世卫组织给新冠病毒起了正式官方名字Google Deepmind算出新冠病毒的机构
武汉病毒研究所是冠状病毒的源头FDA grants ‘emergency use’ coronavirus test in 45m
话题: trump话题: covid话题: president话题: american话题: 19
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4140
The Trump Way on COVID-19
Oct. 07, 2020
by Limin Wang
President Trump, after escaping from Walter Reed, told the American people
to not let COVID-19 dominate your life. The mainstream media then reported
it as a slap in the face, as they really probably felt the slap. Although
there have been a lot of controversies in the Trump-COVID story, I think the
Trump way on COVID-19 is reasonable.
Since Donald J. Trump is the U.S.A. President, so "out of an abundance of
caution", he walked to the Marine One and arrived at Walter Reed National
Military Medical Center. For the same reason, Trump was given the reasonable
privilege of diagnoses and/or treatments. Regardless of it being
convalescent plasma or monoclonial antibodies to COV-2 or antiviral or
steroids, Trump seems to have not been brought down by COVID-19 at any of
these days since Oct. 02, 2020. Remember, Donald Jackass Trump is a 74-year-
old man, and a lot of kings, queens, and knights have been recently tested
positive on COV-2, so what? If Trump were not the President, he would
probably have preferred to go to play golf rather than to see a doctor due
to an abundance of caution.
While a patient can play a big role in their own health outcome, medicine
itself exists as a science and technology and professional service for its
own good reasons. Why the USA, presumably with the most advanced medical
technologies and equipments, is reportedly showing so terribly bad to COVID-
19? The severe, or fatal, problem is more about the American health "care"
system on Americans' health. Frankly, THE EVIL IS CANNIBALISTIC PREDATORS.
I strongly urge President Trump, the other candidate former VP Biden, and
all other leaders, and everybody to overhaul the American health care system
. I would soon use my injuries case to expound the CORRUPT and FATAL
American system.
1 (共1页)
HIV首先在美国确认 难道就叫American Virus?COVID-19 PANIC: Military Temporary Hospital at Javits Center
谁讲讲美国为什么不测新冠IgM IgG新官状病毒果然是sars第二
COVID-19 PANIC: Masks Will Worsen the Problem鳖总在这些虚的玩意下狠功夫:SARS-CoV-2有误导性?高福等专家呼吁重命名
为现实历史,我一定要顽强地清醒地活着For Current History, I Must Stubbornly and Consciously Live警惕!浙江大学团队首次发现泪水及结膜分泌物有新冠病毒
Bernie, Please Boil Down Your Questions to A Few Key Words武毒跟流感的比较
Panic and Pandemic of COVID-19 UNFOUNDED这坛子里,大陆人,台巴子,一目了然嘛
话题: trump话题: covid话题: president话题: american话题: 19