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Military版 - 哈哈,戳穿西雅图医院要求大家缝口罩的谎言
[ZZ]日本军服老手舞日本军刀劈砍中国国旗。2009.8.15.靖国神社 (转载)听个歌吧
上海帮是反对建坝的,说江泽民不许有反对建坝的声音是造谣苍老师侧面不好看,正面还凑合 (转载)
zz 如果日本没有了现在国内真是啥都不讲究了,和尚喝酒泡妞(视频)
建议可以这么庆祝中共的90年生日中国人穿德军制服cosplay 米犹网站疯掉了
要是没有这些cosplay的,共产主流媒体早就把新闻和谐了.以后西方再支持达赖 就可以拿纳粹cosplay恶心他们
话题: masks话题: washington话题: she话题: state话题: providence
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 681
'Cosplayers Unite!' Medical officials in Washington state solicit homemade
face masks
As Washington faces a mounting COVID-19 crisis and amid a shortage of
medical supplies, new face masks for medical personnel are on their way —
from cosplayers.
If you need an army of sewers and crafters, you could not ask for a more
handy crowd than cosplayers. And with a healthy comicon community,
Washington is full of them.
Need a replica of Wonder Woman's boots? That's easy. How about a Klingon bat
'leth? No problem. Medical face masks are no challenge for the crafty
cosplayer. That's why so many in the Seattle area are taking materials
provided by hospitals to help fill the gap in supply.
Elective surgeries, dental procedures postponed under new state order
Providence, which has medical centers around Washington, has now organized a
100 million mask challenge, asking people to make the masks at home.
You don't have to be a cosplayer to make the masks. But shortly after the
announcement, word started to go around the Northwest cosplay community
under the mantra "Cosplayers Unite."
"Signing up was very easy," Brian Morris said. "I simply went to the website
and had my name in their system in under five minutes."
On Monday, Providence will provide mask-making materials at its Renton
location to anyone (you don't have to be a cosplayer) who can get the job
done (details here). Each kit will have enough materials to make 100 masks.
Morris is well prepared. He operates Zak Labs in Renton, a custom cosplay
and prop-making company. He is also CEO of Kingcon Northwest, a local
comicon. As such, he is tied into the local cosplay community. Once he gets
materials, he plans to challenge other cosplayers to a mask-making contest.
"Our plans are to gather the material and live stream the sewing process,"
he said. "We have two Sergers (sewing machines) ready to go and so 200 masks
shouldn't take that long to make."
Here's how Washington state health care workers are collecting medical
equipment donations
Morris is not alone. Shortly after Providence made the request for mask
makers, a call went across social media among other cosplay circles.
Lori Bryant saw the notice from Providence on one cosplay Facebook group.
Then it spread to others. She has already signed up to make masks.
"That was last night, now today I've seen posts in all kinds of cosplay
groups and cosplayer pages," she said.
"I signed up right away, although I haven't gotten an email back yet," she
Other cosplayers have simply put out a call to donate any gloves and masks
crafters might have in their shops.
Others in the Seattle area have also put out a call for mask makers.
Dr. Jeff Duchin with Public Health - Seattle & King County tweeted such a
request on Friday. The public health department notes that this was an
informal call from Dr. Duchin, not an official request from the agency.
Renee Spencer doesn't live near Providence's Renton location where mask kits
will be available. But after seeing nurses post about the shortages online,
she isn't waiting for an official call. She's already starting, using
materials she has in her cosplay studio, just in case.
"I am making the masks to have ready once more specific instructions are
provided by my local hospital," she said.
Spencer is an avid cosplayer who has won competitions for her work,
including first place for tailoring at Emerald City Comicon. She therefore
has a box full of excess fabric.
"Using the supplies and talent I have is what I can offer," she said. "I'm
friends with a few medical workers ... I'm remaining in contact with them as
my local hospital has not released any mask information as of yet. The need
is clear, it's just about how and when.
"I've made dressing gowns for my local hospital in the past," she said. "I
am still working full-time as a state employee so committing to 100 masks is
a tight turn around for my schedule. I took the Providence announcement,
posted it to my own Facebook page and asked local Snohomish and King County
nurses what they needed."
It is unclear that any DIY donations will be accepted by hospitals so, make
them at your own risk of being turned away. But elsewhere, officials have
asked for such help, posting CDC guidelines for masks. Deaconess hospital in
Indiana asked for homemade masks, and put out instructions on how to make
Online sewing patterns have also popped up across the globe.
The Washington State Department of Health has already asked federal
officials to send more medical gear for health care workers on the front
lines. But the response has not been adequate, state officials say.
Washington has received more than 500,000 surgical masks among other
supplies requested from the Strategic National Stockpile. But the items
received thus far constitute just 25% of what the state has asked for,
according to a spokesperson for the Washington State Department of Health.
发帖数: 1747
Washington has received more than 500,000 surgical masks among other
supplies requested from the Strategic National Stockpile. But the items
received thus far constitute just 25% of what the state has asked for,
according to a spokesperson for the Washington State Department of Health.
发帖数: 11103

: 最后一段,太惨了,看来3M的都被权贵藏起来了

: Washington has received more than 500,000 surgical masks among other

: supplies requested from the Strategic National Stockpile. But the

: received thus far constitute just 25% of what the state has asked for,

: according to a spokesperson for the Washington State Department of

【在 n***j 的大作中提到】
: 最后一段,太惨了,看来3M的都被权贵藏起来了
: Washington has received more than 500,000 surgical masks among other
: supplies requested from the Strategic National Stockpile. But the items
: received thus far constitute just 25% of what the state has asked for,
: according to a spokesperson for the Washington State Department of Health.

发帖数: 1369

: 藏在加加后院,顿顿顿

: items

: Health.

【在 b*****2 的大作中提到】
: 藏在加加后院,顿顿顿
: 最后一段,太惨了,看来3M的都被权贵藏起来了
: Washington has received more than 500,000 surgical masks among other
: supplies requested from the Strategic National Stockpile. But the
: items
: received thus far constitute just 25% of what the state has asked for,
: according to a spokesperson for the Washington State Department of
: Health.

发帖数: 11103

: 是藏加加后庭吧哒哒哒

【在 p*****h 的大作中提到】
: 是藏加加后庭吧哒哒哒
: 藏在加加后院,顿顿顿
: items
: Health.

发帖数: 681

【在 n***j 的大作中提到】
: 最后一段,太惨了,看来3M的都被权贵藏起来了
: Washington has received more than 500,000 surgical masks among other
: supplies requested from the Strategic National Stockpile. But the items
: received thus far constitute just 25% of what the state has asked for,
: according to a spokesperson for the Washington State Department of Health.

发帖数: 791
别说西雅图了, 连乔治亚的医院都自己缝口罩了。

【在 m********1 的大作中提到】
: 问联邦政府要的肯定比需求的要多的多。大家都心知肚明。
: 先给一点,到快没的时候再给。难道在资源稀缺的时候,不都是这样做的?
: 现在的N95供应能跟上,但还没有盈余。

发帖数: 3580
西雅图医院确实缺口罩。很多医院都在向社会呼吁捐赠。 华人也都动员起来,去中国
发帖数: 681

【在 n****f 的大作中提到】
: 西雅图医院确实缺口罩。很多医院都在向社会呼吁捐赠。 华人也都动员起来,去中国
: 买口罩寄过来。
: 感觉还是平时医院口罩用得不多,也没预计到新冠的爆发,没囤多少,一时找不到供应
: 商吧。

发帖数: 1508
1 (共1页)
来看国外的二战德军大型cosplay秀 国内差远了(多图)要是没有这些cosplay的,共产主流媒体早就把新闻和谐了.
[ZZ]日本军服老手舞日本军刀劈砍中国国旗。2009.8.15.靖国神社 (转载)听个歌吧
上海帮是反对建坝的,说江泽民不许有反对建坝的声音是造谣苍老师侧面不好看,正面还凑合 (转载)
zz 如果日本没有了现在国内真是啥都不讲究了,和尚喝酒泡妞(视频)
话题: masks话题: washington话题: she话题: state话题: providence