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Military版 - 达赖也不乱窜了
我发现好多黑人特别崇拜14世达赖喇嘛,这是怎么回事?达赖下台了ZZ AP
【临时通告】面对撕毁宣传材料时,如何做? (转载)CNN说 蛇吃蝙蝠,武汉人吃蛇
His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, to visit USC on May 3, 2011Don’t panic unless you’re paid to panic
Happening now: Thousands of Tibetan students join protests看看美国人是怎么描述冠状病毒的
求表哥们鉴定一下,佛爷这个表值多少钱啊?Re: BBC最近播的西藏纪录片A year in Tibet
His Holiness the Dalai Lama NYC 2013BBC编辑给俺打电话了
Obama to host Dalai Lama at White House西方人对达赖的质疑--达赖真的那么伟大嘛?
话题: his话题: lama话题: dalai话题: holiness
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 16928
Dalai Lama cancels all public engagements due to the coronavirus
From Tenzin Dharpo and CNN’s Sugam Pokharel
The Dalai Lama has canceled all his public engagements until further notice
due to the “deteriorating outbreak” of the coronavirus, according to a
statement from his office.
“His Holiness will not be doing any public engagements for now until
further notice due to coronavirus," the Dalai Lama’s secretary, Tenzing
Taklha, told CNN.
Read the full statement from the Dalai Lama’s office:
“An announcement was made recently regarding the ordination ceremony
for monks. However due to the deteriorating outbreak of the viral disease (
Coronavirus- 2019 nCoV) that originated in China, His Holiness’ personal
physician as well as consultants have advised a postponement of all public
engagement for the time being, and His Holiness has duly agreed to further
postpone his public schedule. Hence the ordination ceremony for the monks
will be rescheduled and the announcement will be made shortly afterwards. We
hope for your understanding in the matter. February 12, 2019.”
发帖数: 16092


【在 B******e 的大作中提到】
: Dalai Lama cancels all public engagements due to the coronavirus
: From Tenzin Dharpo and CNN’s Sugam Pokharel
: The Dalai Lama has canceled all his public engagements until further notice
: due to the “deteriorating outbreak” of the coronavirus, according to a
: statement from his office.
: “His Holiness will not be doing any public engagements for now until
: further notice due to coronavirus," the Dalai Lama’s secretary, Tenzing
: Taklha, told CNN.
: Read the full statement from the Dalai Lama’s office:
: “An announcement was made recently regarding the ordination ceremony

1 (共1页)
西方人对达赖的质疑--达赖真的那么伟大嘛?Happening now: Thousands of Tibetan students join protests
Apple CEO Steve Jobs: The Dalai Lama is bugging the shit out of me lately- very funny求表哥们鉴定一下,佛爷这个表值多少钱啊?
求助:要找的视频被youtube删了His Holiness the Dalai Lama NYC 2013
【征集】10 questions to ask Dalai LamaObama to host Dalai Lama at White House
我发现好多黑人特别崇拜14世达赖喇嘛,这是怎么回事?达赖下台了ZZ AP
【临时通告】面对撕毁宣传材料时,如何做? (转载)CNN说 蛇吃蝙蝠,武汉人吃蛇
His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, to visit USC on May 3, 2011Don’t panic unless you’re paid to panic
话题: his话题: lama话题: dalai话题: holiness