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Military版 - 病毒可以通过下水道传染
先富们在香港买的都是Super Luxury,Luxury的已经看不上了.Oakland man killed in Yemen, family says
Reuters likes to cook the news, what an idiot reporter蓝皮护照上说政府和军队是美国公民的坚强后盾?
这病毒看来针对小黄人休斯顿市长的洗地文来了 LOL
Coronavirus-infected Americans flown back to US on plane f完了,狗被人传染了
回来的白人也受歧视 'We're not the walking dead': Americans face coronavirus quarantine stigma美华悲歌
得,都别打架了, 埃博拉来加州了 (转载)美国提前进入2012?
话题: hong话题: kong话题: confirmed话题: health话题: building
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 16928
A Hong Kong apartment building was partially evacuated due to possibility
virus was transmitted through pipes
From Isaac Yee and Alexandra Lin in Hong Kong
Health officials in Hong Kong are conducting a partial evacuation of
residents from an apartment block following possibility that the coronavirus
may have been transmitted via the building piping system, Professor KY Yuen
said during an impromptu midnight press conference held on Tuesday morning
local time.
Health officials have traced at least two confirmed cases of the coronavirus
to the specific residential building called Hong Mei House in the Tsing Yi
area of Hong Kong.
"As the pipeline that transfers feces is connected to the air pipe, it is
very likely for the virus in the feces to be transmitted through the air fan
into the toilet," Professor Yuen said.
Parts of the building were evacuated as a precaution while health officials
and engineers carried out emergency checks, he added.
Professor Yuen said that the transmission route is not clear yet, so the
evacuation was taken to protect the residents of the building.
This comes as local health officials confirmed that both the 42nd confirmed
and latest case in the city and the 12th confirmed patient both lived in
Hong Mei House. The 12th case was confirmed on January 30 and the 42nd case
was confirmed on February 10.
Hong Kong now has 42 confirmed cases of the Wuhan coronavirus.
1 (共1页)
美国提前进入2012?Coronavirus-infected Americans flown back to US on plane f
Hurricane coming to US East causes panic回来的白人也受歧视 'We're not the walking dead': Americans face coronavirus quarantine stigma
在利比亚的外国居民分布图(不完全)得,都别打架了, 埃博拉来加州了 (转载)
先富们在香港买的都是Super Luxury,Luxury的已经看不上了.Oakland man killed in Yemen, family says
Reuters likes to cook the news, what an idiot reporter蓝皮护照上说政府和军队是美国公民的坚强后盾?
这病毒看来针对小黄人休斯顿市长的洗地文来了 LOL
话题: hong话题: kong话题: confirmed话题: health话题: building