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黑哥黑妹的世界你们永远不懂,new mexico 的去年视频这特码的要被坐实了比中兴还惨一百倍
Uber ok (转载)在判定重婚罪时,中国法院有可能会承认美国同性婚姻合法
hsh and everflying不得不说的故事------Everflying 怎样吓退 Megan 的这个亚裔混血警察竟然强奸了十几个黑牛
Re: 飞哥,一起撸管儿去? (转载)德州白女谎称被三个黑人轮奸,疮轮兴奋不已
国际警察出动,Internl Criminal Court investigating North KoreaLawyer: No proof nurse raped patient who had baby
洛杉矶失踪的华裔女尸体找到了20 mass shootings per year (zz) (转载)
刚刚收到IRS 的信nobel peace prize committee is so powerful
喜闻乐见 喜大普奔三分之一的南非男人犯过强奸罪
话题: deangelo话题: he话题: said话题: dna
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2555
Investigators have linked DeAngelo to 11 murders that occurred after he was
fired from the police department.
"There may have been a revenge aspect to it," Van Zandt said. "He was going
to show police that he was smarter than any of them and that it was a
mistake to fire him."
Investigators said DeAngelo appeared to stop killing and raping after 1986
and settled down to steady employment and a middle-class life.
Former profilers said most serial killers usually don't stop until they die
or get arrested, but a few have voluntarily quit.
Scientists developed a way to identify rapists and others through DNA
fingerprinting in 1986, the same year as DeAngelo's last alleged murder.
Experts noted that DeAngelo, who graduated from Sacramento State with a
criminal justice degree, most likely knew about the highly publicized DNA
"He knew police techniques," said John Jay College of Criminal Justice
professor Louis Schlesinger. "He was smart."
1 (共1页)
三分之一的南非男人犯过强奸罪国际警察出动,Internl Criminal Court investigating North Korea
利比亚反动派开始强奸妇女了刚刚收到IRS 的信
CNN: India has a rape crisis喜闻乐见 喜大普奔
黑哥黑妹的世界你们永远不懂,new mexico 的去年视频这特码的要被坐实了比中兴还惨一百倍
Uber ok (转载)在判定重婚罪时,中国法院有可能会承认美国同性婚姻合法
hsh and everflying不得不说的故事------Everflying 怎样吓退 Megan 的这个亚裔混血警察竟然强奸了十几个黑牛
Re: 飞哥,一起撸管儿去? (转载)德州白女谎称被三个黑人轮奸,疮轮兴奋不已
话题: deangelo话题: he话题: said话题: dna