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Military版 - Award的最佳电影和最佳导演
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发帖数: 4796
The 2018 Film Independent Spirit Award的最佳电影和最佳导演
发帖数: 4796

:The 2018 Film Independent Spirit Award的最佳电影和最佳导演

【在 W*****B 的大作中提到】
: The 2018 Film Independent Spirit Award的最佳电影和最佳导演
: 虽然这个奖名气不大。但是说不好这坨狗屎会在明晚的奥斯卡上爆发的。

发帖数: 4796
Spirit Awards: ‘Change’ in the Air as ‘Get Out’ Aims for Oscars
Win on Saturday, lose on Sunday? That was the industry maxim that evolved
over much of the three decades the independent cinema celebration the Spirit
Awards and the annual Academy Awards stood as season-ending foils to one
another. But six short years ago, that went out the window as one Spirit
winner after another began to march right on into the Oscars the next day
and win top honors there, as well: “The Artist,” “12 Years a Slave,” “
Birdman,” “Spotlight” and, just last year, “Moonlight.”
The thinking behind all of that was laid out a year ago in a column that,
quite frankly, was written assuming the journey had reached its end for
writer-director Barry Jenkins and company. As you probably heard, it had not
. But the stunning eventual “Moonlight” Oscar victory also signaled a
potential shift with implications that continue to ripple throughout this
season, adding a whole other variable to the interminable “awards
convention,” as Frances McDormand so perfectly put it Saturday afternoon at
the 33rd annual Spirit Awards: Change.
Is it real? Is it more than merely palpable? It was certainly in the air
Saturday. Lead actor winner Timothée Chalamet evoked the word, speaking
directly to the roster of hungry talents who took bold new steps in 2017,
including Dee Rees, who also used the platform to speak straight from the
heart. Jordan Peele painted a picture of exhilarating evolution, receiving
honors from both those who paved the way (Spike Lee) and those who are
leading a very current charge in their wake (Chadwick Boseman). Everyone
certainly feels like they’re a part of a shift. But again, is it real?
Peele’s momentous film “Get Out,” which won awards for director and best
feature Saturday, could absolutely win the best picture Oscar. And though it
would be in line with recent Spirits history, it would also obviously be a
historic moment. (The statistical hurdles it faces have been thoroughly
illustrated.) Spirit Awards attendees being shuttled from the waterlogged
beachfront tent setting back to the Santa Monica Civic Center parking lot
couldn’t help but speculate if we were in for a repeat on Sunday. But would
that mean change? It’s hard to say, but it’s definitely exciting.
That the best picture race remains such a tingly mystery is all the more
fascinating considering how firmed up most of the other major races are (or
at least, appear to be). Every acting frontrunner who was up for a Spirit
Award Saturday walked away with one. Other winners that could double up on
Sunday include “A Fantastic Woman” (foreign language film) and “Faces
Places” (documentary feature). It’s agreed that at least one screenplay
race is sewn up, though others might argue both are (which makes the Spirit
win for “Lady Bird” all the more interesting). The directing prize sure
seems to be spoken for as well.
But whatever the data might imply, five films have a definitive shot at
winning the top Oscar this year.
It could be “Get Out.” It could be “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing,
Missouri,” which showed plenty of strength on the circuit all the way up
until Boseman called out Peele’s film Saturday. It could be “Lady Bird,”
which lingers as a popular favorite, or it could even be “Dunkirk,” with a
lot of passion from the rank-and-file. Or, it could be a film that by all
rights should have been represented at the Spirit Awards, but inexplicably
wasn’t: “The Shape of Water,” produced for $19.4 million and made to look
like three times as much.
Come what may, that variable, “change,” and how it’s become both tangible
(1,400 new Academy members in two years) and nebulous, is what will
continue to hang in the air long past the 90th annual Academy Awards.
Find the full list of 2018 Spirit Awards winners here.

:The 2018 Film Independent Spirit Award的最佳电影和最佳导演

【在 W*****B 的大作中提到】
: 尼玛,泥哥都高潮了
: :The 2018 Film Independent Spirit Award的最佳电影和最佳导演
: :虽然这个奖名气不大。但是说不好这坨狗屎会在明晚的奥斯卡上爆发的。

1 (共1页)
这篇社论还是有点水平的la la land 看完可以一个月不用看电影
到底这孔子和平奖是真的还是假的?May the moonlight spirit be with you
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雪城大学有没有人管叶菲这事的2010年诺贝尔医学奖被英国科学家Robert Edwards获得
老将们看看美国的恶法奥巴马祝贺刘晓波:We call on the Chinese government
死者99%的责任,警察1脑残PERRY LINK: 为什么要唾弃刘晓波
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