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Military版 - The Quality of Life sub-ranking (转载)
The Quality of Life sub-ranking (转载)达沃斯首次公布世界【最好国家】报告德国加拿大满分
多少美国人认为共产中国是个shithole country?全球最好国家排行
在trump眼里中国算不算shitholethere is a country without a government in EU
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话题: quality话题: life话题: countries话题: ranking话题: best
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发帖数: 115
【 以下文字转载自 Returnee 讨论区 】
发信人: bruker (NA), 信区: Returnee
标 题: The Quality of Life sub-ranking
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 21 12:43:02 2017, 美东)
USA 18
Beyond the essential ideas of broad access to food and housing, to quality
education and health care, to employment that will sustain us, quality of
life may also include intangibles such as job security, political stability,
individual freedom and environmental quality.
What social scientists do agree on is that material wealth is not the most
important factor in assessing a life lived well. The results of the Quality
of Life sub-ranking survey reflect that sensibility.
The Best Countries report and rankings, formed in partnership with global
marketing communications company Y&R's brand strategy firm, BAV Consulting,
and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, are based on a
survey that asked more than 21,000 people from four regions to associate 80
countries with specific characteristics. The Quality of Life sub-ranking is
based on an equally weighted average of scores from nine country attributes
that relate to quality of life in a country: affordable, a good job market,
economically stable, family friendly, income equality, politically stable,
safe, well-developed public education system and well-developed public
health system. The Quality of Life subranking score had a 17 percent weight
in the overall Best Countries ranking.
发帖数: 20965
发帖数: 115
I guess 5%
Adventure (3.24 percent): friendly, fun, pleasant climate, scenic, sexy
Citizenship (16.95 percent): cares about human rights, cares about the
environment, gender equality, progressive, religious freedom, respects
property rights, trustworthy, well-distributed political power
Cultural Influence (12.93 percent): culturally significant in terms of
entertainment, fashionable, happy, has an influential culture, modern,
prestigious, trendy
Entrepreneurship (17.42 percent): connected to the rest of the world,
educated population, entrepreneurial, innovative, provides easy access to
capital, skilled labor force, technological expertise, transparent business
practices, well-developed infrastructure, well-developed legal framework
Heritage (3.17 percent): culturally accessible, has a rich history, has
great food, many cultural attractions
Movers (10.00 percent): different, distinctive, dynamic, unique
Open for Business (11.99 percent): bureaucratic, cheap manufacturing costs,
corrupt, favorable tax environment, transparent government practices
Power (7.42 percent): a leader, economically influential, politically
influential, strong international alliances, strong military
Quality of Life (16.89 percent): a good job market, affordable, economically
stable, family friendly, income equality, politically stable, safe, well-
developed public education system, well-developed public health system
To arrive at a country’s rank, we first calculated its standardized scores
for each of the 65 country attributes. Each country received nine subranking
scores by averaging its scores for the country attributes grouped into that
subranking. A country’s overall score reflects the weighted sum of its
subranking scores. The subranking and overall scores were rescaled so that
the top country in each category received a value of 100, and others were
calculated as a proportion of that top score. Scores were ranked in
descending order.
Additional lists rank the countries on more specific topics, such as the
Best Countries for Women and the Best Countries for Education. Groups of
relevant country attribute data were used to score and rank countries for
these lists, but they do not affect the overall Best Countries score or
1 (共1页)
What do Russians think of China and Chinese people?PNAS: 亚裔成绩好是因为学习努力不是智商高
The Quality of Life sub-ranking (转载)达沃斯首次公布世界【最好国家】报告德国加拿大满分
多少美国人认为共产中国是个shithole country?全球最好国家排行
话题: quality话题: life话题: countries话题: ranking话题: best