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Military版 - 加州参议员提案:政府必须给每个非法移民配律师 (转载)
加州参议员提案:政府必须给每个非法移民配律师 (转载)佛莱克说,在此前提下,他才愿意投支持票。
贺岁片【S.1】- 领衔主演:参议院多数党领袖Reid (转载)美华大妈傻逼了,纷纷后悔当年没夹个咖喱鸡吧
U.S. Olympic Committee to Promise American Made Uniforms by 2014左x
美军性丑闻发酵:20%女兵被迫与战友性接触Andrew Yang 5% in early state at latest poll in #5
希拉里还真要2016跳出来选啊Kamala and Cory endorse Biden--Warren and Yang talk about w (转载)
Twitter上骂起来了这cory booker什么来历,戏太好了
本周一公布的一项研究显示Andrew Yang还没有获下一轮民主党辩论资格
话题: harris话题: bill话题: order话题: california话题: sen
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发帖数: 15372
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: TravisBickle (Travis), 信区: USANews
标 题: 加州参议员提案:政府必须给每个非法移民配律师
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Feb 10 15:20:27 2017, 美东)
Kamala Harris’s First Bill: Lawyers for Border Detainees
California’s newest U.S. Senator, Kamala Harris, revealed her first piece
of legislation on Thursday, the Access to Counsel Act, which targets
President Donald Trump’s travel restriction executive order by providing
lawyers to anyone arriving at U.S. border crossings and ports of entry.
“Refugees, immigrants, students, and tourists all deserve to be able to
access their lawyer in legal proceedings that could change the course of
their lives, whether they enter the country at an airport or come across the
border,” said Harris upon announcing the bill.
Harris left her position as California’s Attorney General to run for the
Senate seat vacated by retiring Sen. Barbara Boxer.
Harris’ office directly referenced the President’s January 27 executive
order, which temporarily restricted travel to the U.S. from seven terror-
prone nations. That order has since been challenged in court and as of
Thursday afternoon was halted under a lower court’s temporary restraining
order upheld in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
The office of the freshman Senator from California claimed that after the
executive order went into effect, “reports flooded in of refugees, Green
Card holders, and even U.S. citizens — many of whom were women, elderly, or
children — held for long periods of time, and denied access to volunteer
lawyers.” Harris’s office also characterized the order as a “Muslim Ban,
” though a religious test was not a provision of the order.
As California’s top lawyer, Harris backed a State Senate Bill that provided
money for lawyers serving unaccompanied minors at the border, according to
a statement from Harris’ office. Reports at the time when Gov. Jerry Brown
signed the bill into law, including a September 2014 Washington Post report,
indicated that the funding would amount to $3 million.
Democrat Sens. Richard Blumenthal (CT), Cory Booker (NJ), Tom Carper (DE),
Kirsten Gillibrand (NY), Ed Markey (MA), and Elizabeth Warren (MA) are
cosponsors of the bill.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Amnesty International USA
and National Council of La Raza are among the organizations supporting the
CAIR has been declared a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates
and was named by federal prosecutors as an unindicted co-conspirator in a
Hamas-funding operation.
Speaking about the bill, Sen. Blumenthal called access to legal counsel a “
fundamental right,” speaking of non-citizens and citizens alike. Sen.
Booker called the “right to counsel … a fundamental American value
enshrined in the Constitution” in an announcement of the bill.
The San Francisco Chronicle reported that Harris protested outside the White
House on the Sunday after the ban originally took effect. In a letter to
Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly that same day, Harris demanded border
officials carry out the court-ordered halt of the executive order.
1 (共1页)
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The View 3/10/2020 Trump (Coronavirus) Cory Booker on Biden (转载)Twitter上骂起来了
加州参议员提案:政府必须给每个非法移民配律师 (转载)佛莱克说,在此前提下,他才愿意投支持票。
贺岁片【S.1】- 领衔主演:参议院多数党领袖Reid (转载)美华大妈傻逼了,纷纷后悔当年没夹个咖喱鸡吧
U.S. Olympic Committee to Promise American Made Uniforms by 2014左x
美军性丑闻发酵:20%女兵被迫与战友性接触Andrew Yang 5% in early state at latest poll in #5
话题: harris话题: bill话题: order话题: california话题: sen