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Military版 - 李光耀批判西方大福利民主的金句
华人不和的很大原因是阶级斗争的结果纽约时报:民主自由的印度像“店小二民族” 未进入21世纪
Mohammed, Britain's Most Popular Boy's Name In 2009O8正式给ZIMMERMAN事件定调: 种族案件,白人欺压黑人
泰坦尼克号的英国人和美国人的区别!看到侯赛因说看到黑人大家忙着按车锁 我笑翻了
怎么还会有人说地震过后日本会倒向土共呢!!??中国“剩女”多达数百万 好男人在哪呢?
为什么外国人知道这么详细我们的分布图?U.S. mobile data prices among most expensive in the world
一盘散沙的印度哎,死做美国鬼呀:MH370 families face huge compensation di
话题: wealth话题: want话题: achieve话题: people话题: before
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2306
"But it is possible to create a society in which everybody is given not
equal rewards, but equal opportunities, and where rewards vary not in
accordance with the ownership of property, but with the worth of a person's
contribution to that society."
"I did not understand what a cosseted life would do to the spirit of
enterprise of a people, diminishing their desire to achieve and succeed. I
believed that wealth came naturally from wheat growing in the fields,
orchards bearing fruit every summer, and factories turning out all that was
needed to maintain a comfortable life. Only two decades later, when I had to
make an outdated entrepot economy feed a people, did I realize we needed to
create the wealth before we can share it. And to create wealth, high
motivation and incentives are crucial to drive a people to achieve, to take
risks for profit, or there will be nothing to share."
"You must want. That is the crucial thing. Before you have, you must want to
have. And to want to have means to be able, first, to perceive what it is
you want; secondly, how to discipline and organize yourself in order to
possess the things you want-the industrial sinews of our modern economic
base; and thirdly, the grit and the stamina, which means cultural mutations
in the way of life in large parts of the tropical areas of the world where
the human being has never found it necessary to work in the summer, harvest
before autumn, and save up for the winter."
"You cannot have people just striving for a nebulous ideal"
"Cradle-to-grave welfarism blunted the ambition of many budding
"Worse, high personal taxes dampened the desire of many to achieve wealth
and success"
"respect for those starting new businesses"
"acceptance of failure in entrepreneurial and innovation efforts"
"tolerance for a high degree of income disparity"
发帖数: 19544
1 (共1页)
记者脑残:Racial divide in U.S. arrest rates is 'staggering,' study finds国女外F多,是因为国男欠缺国女一场痛扁白猪的战争
华人不和的很大原因是阶级斗争的结果纽约时报:民主自由的印度像“店小二民族” 未进入21世纪
Mohammed, Britain's Most Popular Boy's Name In 2009O8正式给ZIMMERMAN事件定调: 种族案件,白人欺压黑人
泰坦尼克号的英国人和美国人的区别!看到侯赛因说看到黑人大家忙着按车锁 我笑翻了
怎么还会有人说地震过后日本会倒向土共呢!!??中国“剩女”多达数百万 好男人在哪呢?
话题: wealth话题: want话题: achieve话题: people话题: before